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Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce

Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce 6.9.0 NULLED

Changelog v6.9.0 for Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce – October 29, 2024

  • Create Booking without Order via REST API: Users can now create bookings independently of orders using the Booking REST API, expanding on the recently added manual booking creation option without orders.
New Filter & Tweaks:
  • New Filter: A new filter added that will allows the error messages to display above the Booking Form on the front end product page.
  • Parameter Update: Product ID can now be passed as id parameter for updating or deleting bookable products via the REST API, instead of being appended directly to the URL.
  • Plugin Icon in Update Notices: The plugin icon now appears in update notifications on the WordPress Updates page for easy identification.
Bug Fixes:

Fix: Enabled booked dates when adding new time slots to a previously booked weekday.

Fix: Resolved an issue where deleted time slots still appeared on the front end of the product page.

Fix: Addressed problems preventing the import of Google Calendar events at the product level using the .ics feed.

Fix: Corrected the translation of Fixed Block names when using WPML.

Fix: Resolved an issue where bookable products were removed from the cart if the selected booking date was the last in a custom date range.

Fix: Fixed the availability update in the booking calendar when a booking status was marked as ‘Cancelled,’ which prevented further bookings for that date on the front end.

Fix: Addressed PHP errors occurring on admin pages when both the Booking and Deposit plugins were active.

Fix: Resolved issues where booking details could not be updated on the Cart and Checkout pages when both bookable and non-bookable products were in the cart.

Fix: Fixed an issue preventing bookings for products with specific custom date ranges when ‘Maximum Bookings’ for weekdays was unset.

Fix: Corrected an issue during manual booking creation where dates and timeslots did not display, even with ‘Show Disabled Dates & Time’ enabled.

Fix: Fixed a problem with expired license keys not deactivating from the site.

Changelog v6.7.0 for Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce – September 10, 2024

This version includes one enhancement and several important bug fixes to enhance stability and functionality.


Added ‘Show Disabled Dates & Time’ option on the Create Booking page to allow the store owner to create bookings on the disabled dates & times.

Bug Fixes:

Fix: When the “Overlapping Time Slot Booking” option is disabled then also the availability for the overlapped time slot decreases.

Fix: Critical error reported in the debug.log file. Also, on the front-end product page, the Booking Price shows as 0 when the product is setup with the Multiple Nights booking type.

Fix: The booking price is not recalculated correctly when the Start Date is changed to a new date after the End Date.

Fix: HTTP API call error occurs on the edit product page when no integration is used.

UI/UX: The booking Settings saved message stayed on the screen for a long time. Also, multiple messages were displayed when saved again.
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