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Blackjack - Members Shop Add-On

Invision Community Blackjack - Members Shop Add-On 1.1.1

Blackjack - Members Shop Add-On.png

Blackjack is a members shop add on what allows your members to gamble their hard earned points playing Blackjack ( 21 ), Create unlimited tables, set different min & max wagers on each one, you can even allow your members to chat while playing using the tables chat box.

Main Features

  • Create unlimited categories to store the blackjack tables
    • The categories on the index page shows in nice grid elements
    • The category page will show info on the tables
      • How many people are online at each table
      • The minimum - maximum wagers
      • The last win and the last winner
  • Create unlimited blackjack tables
    • Choose what member groups can view each table
    • Choose what member groups can play on each table
      • Members who have permission to play on the tables will also have permission to chat
    • Allow members to chat to each other with a built in chatbox for each table ( the chat will auto update when new messages are posted )
    • Select the minimum & maximum wagers on each table
    • Choose from 2 different style tables to play on
    • Each table has it's own latest results column showing the last 100 results from the table ( this will automatically update using jquery and ajax )
  • ACP Category & Table Listing
    • Each table has it's own button in the ACP listing allow you to check the stats of each table
      • Total Games Played
      • Total Points Paid In
      • Total Points Paid Out
      • Total Profit
      • Total Member Wins
      • Total Dealer Wins
      • Total Pushes
  • Widgets
    • Show a list of the biggest gamblers
    • Show a list of the highest win ( This is unique to the member so if the member has the highest 2 wins it will only show their highest win and not place them twice in the list )
    • Show a list of the members who have won the most hands
    • Select how many you want to show in each widget
All games are totally random and there is no setting for you as the admin to select a win %, To be honest you don't need one anyway, anyone who gambles knows the house will always win lol

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Reactions: ♕-SlawkA-♕
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Latest updates

  1. Download Blackjack - Members Shop Add-On 1.1.1

    Released September 13 Fix incompatibility with IPS 4.7.2

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