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Bitcoin, Ethereum, ERC20 crypto wallets with exchange

Bitcoin, Ethereum, ERC20 crypto wallets with exchange 1.1.1523 NULLED

Bitcoin, Ethereum, ERC20 crypto wallets with exchange.jpg

Cryptocurrency wallet.
Your users can store Bitcoin and custom assets​

NEW! “Dashboard and exchange only” mode​

Without the “Create wallet” feature (users use their own MetaMask or WalletConnect wallets). DEMO: Dashboard and exchange only. Set the “exchange admin fee” and earn commission from every exchange.

Visa/MC integration​

Allow users to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT using a credit card. Use any external fiat on-ramp provider like transak.com or itez.com . Sell your own ERC20 token for ETH (client can buy ETH instantly then exchange to any token.

ERC20 wallet / portfolio tracker​

Are you an ERC20 owner? Create a branded ERC20 wallet on your own domain. Allow users to exchange tokens to/from eth (and VISA)

Other Features​

- Light/Dark theme (possible to set “only light” or “only dark” option)
- Add own ERC20 token, BSC asset
- Enable disable registration
- Add admin comission (to earn)

Risk warning!​

According to WordFence, there are almost 90,000 attacks per minute on WordPress websites. In one study, it was found there are 3,972 known WordPress vulnerabilities. Out of which, 52% are from WordPress plugins, 37% are due to core WordPress files & 11% are from WordPress Themes. We cannot guarantee the security of your customer’s fund. Please use Simple Static Plugin, which greatly reduces the risk of loss of funds check this tutorial
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