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Information: Safety & Support
Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use. Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
= 1.4.8 - September 3, 2024 =
* Fix: Case-sensitive dry runs no longer highlight case-insensitive matches when previewing results
* Fix: Case-insensitive dry runs no longer change the case of matching terms when previewing results
= 1.4.7 - May, 30, 2024 =
* Fix: The case-insensitive setting once again allows case-insensitive strings to be matched within serialized data, fixing a regression introduced in version 1.4.6
= 1.4.6 - April 17, 2024 =
* Changed: Serialized text strings are now only deserialized when containing a match, resulting in faster performance
* Security: Table names are now escaped when displaying search results