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Beritaxx 1.5.5 NULLED

XX Team

Introducing Beritaxx NULLED the News category theme for WordPress with an attractive and simple design. Coming to give a new color with a fresh design, the settings are very easy so that new users quickly understand.

Boxed Layouts
Themes with the Boxed or Box layout type are popular in Indonesia. Many major news websites use this type of layout.

With Boxed mode, it will be easier to place floating ads on the right and left sides of the website

Ready Dark Mode
For the convenience of visitors who come to read the news, a dark mode has been provided which will be stored in each visitor's browser.

Visitors simply press the moon icon in the website header

Widget Based Layout
To make it easier to display news content, this theme applies a Widget-based Layout.

Users simply choose to display which type of layout suits their needs and tastes and is equipped with simple settings so that they are easy to understand

Equipped with Google Fonts
To support an attractive text display, the theme has been equipped with a function to call Google Fonts.

Currently there are more than 1000+ free fonts from Google Fonts that can be used to beautify the Typography of the website

Files provided by @WHUZZZ
  • Version 1.5.5 NULLED
  • Downloads 33
  • Views 532
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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