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BBQ Pro – The Fastest WordPress Firewall Plugin

BBQ Pro – The Fastest WordPress Firewall Plugin 3.8 NULLED

= 3.8 (2024/10/30) =

* Adds new 8G patterns to firewall rules
* Adds "export patterns" to BBQ Tools
* Updates some existing patterns
* Updates license update script
* Updates plugin Help tab information
* Updates plugin settings page
* Updates default translation template
* Tests on WordPress 6.7 (beta)
= 3.7.2 (2024/07/10) =

* Fixes bug with `dismiss_notice_link`
* Updates plugin settings page
* Updates default translation template
* Tests on WordPress 6.6 (beta)
= 3.7.1 (2024/03/23) =
* Adds support for multiple alert addresses
* Adds filter hook, `bbq_alert_headers`
* Improves headers for email alerts
* Updates Help tab information
* Updates plugin settings page
* Updates default translation template
* Improves plugin docs/readme.txt
* Tests on WordPress 6.5 (beta)
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon
= 3.7 (2023/11/03) =
* Adds `.msi` to Advanced Request URI patterns
* Adds `etc/hosts` to Basic Query String patterns
* Adds `etc/motd` to Basic Query String patterns
* Adds `etc/shadow` to Basic Query String patterns
* Adds `windows/win` to Basic Query String patterns
* Improves font-icon CSS styles
* Improves localization function
* Improves `bbq_license_status()`
* Improves JavaScript on settings page
* Replaces `DOING_CRON` with `wp_doing_cron()`
* Adds custom notice on settings page
* Updates FR translation (thank you [Ingrid Azéma](https://beapi.fr/))
* Updates default translation template
* Tests on WordPress 6.4 (beta)
  • Like
Reactions: GhRG87FGH
= 3.6.1 (2023/07/16) =

* Fixes "Uncaught TypeError: property_exists()"
* Tests on WordPress 6.3 (beta)
= 3.6 (2023/03/15) =
* Adds filter hook `bbq_date`
* Improves settings page UI/styles
* Improves logic for dates and times
* Improves logic for enqueue functions
* Adds license status message to plugin pages
* Improves logic when calling `get_current_screen()`
* Improves handling of license activation
* Improves handling of license constants
* Improves admin notices functionality
* Generates new translation template
* Tests on WordPress 6.1 + 6.2 (beta)
* Tests on PHP 8.1 and 8.2