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AutomateWoo + ADDONS

AutomateWoo + ADDONS 6.1.5

2025-01-15 - version 6.1.5
* Dev - Fix Points and rewards integration tests.
* Dev - Improve abandoned cart E2E tests.
* Tweak - WC 9.6 compatibility.
2024-12-03 - version 6.1.3
* Fix - Prevent translations from being called early.
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Reactions: edgars221289
2024-09-05 - version 6.1.0
* Break - Remove WooCommerce Navigation integration.
* Tweak - WC 9.3.0 compatibility.
2024-08-28 - version 6.0.33
* Bump min WC version to 7.9, reuse upstreamed classes.
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Reactions: edgars221289
2024-07-24 - version 6.0.30
* Dev - Upgrade to use Node.js 20 and bump npm dependencies.
* Fix - HTML formatting in the Workflows timing column.
* Fix - Skip recurring jobs in the system check if the job is disabled.
* Fix - The days input of "When to run" in the "Customer Birthday" trigger is not properly hidden when adding new workflow.
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Reactions: edgars221289
2024-05-07 - version 6.0.22
* Fix - Handle Duplicated tags for Active Campaigns Integration.
* Tweak - Add an error message when using variables and a trigger is not selected.
* Tweak - Hide variables metabox when no trigger is selected.
2024-02-21 - version 6.0.16
* Fix - MailPoet Opt-In subscription SYNC.
* Tweak - Adjust the database tables system check to confirm that each of the tables exist.
2023-10-24 - version 6.0.7
* Dev - Remove support for legacy classes deprecated since 5.0.0.
* Tweak - Declare cart_checkout_blocks feature compatibility.
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Reactions: abuji and GhRG87FGH
2023-09-22 - version 6.0.5
* Dev - E2E tests for Dashboard page.
* Dev - Remove unit test marked as incomplete.
* Dev - Update WooCommerce Bookings payment gateway title.
* Fix - Fatal error when enabling Active Campaign integration without API key.
* Fix - Logic for automatic database updates.
* Fix - Shop order transients hook setting customer id to 0.
* Fix - Use helper function for checking supported subscription payment methods.
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Reactions: abuji and GhRG87FGH