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Work-around surprisingly expensive add-on live-ness join when fetching alerts and instead filter by content_type
Fix some bad index selection for newer MariaDB/MySQL versions for various parts of the add-on
Fix some bad performance when using the 'unsummarize' feature
Fix bad links for profile-post summary alerts
Fix formatting of alert summarization threshold option not being a numberbox
Fix summary alerts could have a "G" as the user avatar for alerts which aren't attributed to a user
Style compatibility fix where the day-selector on the alerts page could be forced onto a new line
Rework alert summarization feature to be more performant and use less memory
Rework alert preferences
Cleanup various phrasing and add more explainer text to hopefully be less confusing
Add "Alerting preference defaults" option
Add simplified interface for alert preferences (no alerts, use defaults, use custom).
Add per-alert "Alert bell read" option to alert preferences which allows setting if each individual alert is mark-as-read when viewed in the alerts pop-up