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Affiliate Butler Pro

Affiliate Butler Pro 2.1.21 NULLED

Affiliate Butler Pro.jpg

Affiliate Butler PRO NULLED is a WordPress plugin that helps you to replace specific keywords to links automatically.


The plugin allows you to add one or multiple keywords in order to automatically link them to an external link.

Do Follow

You can set whether you want the keyword’s link to have the dofollow or nofollow values in order to allow search engines to follow this link and use it in ranking or not.

Open Target

Set the opening behavior of the keyword’s link whether to open in the same window or a new window.

Auto Shortening

You can shorten the keyword’s link in order to make them clean links and prettified.

Case Sensitive

You can set the Auto-Link to be letters case sensitive for more accurate replacement.

Linking Types

We have 8 types of linking your keywords:
  • Internal URL You can link your keywords to an internal page of your website. You can find the page by an easy auto-complete list.
  • Custom HTML Popup The keyword can be linked to a popup that contains any design you want as the plugin accept HTML code to be integrated into the popup. For example, you can add an opt-in form HTML code to collect visitors emails.
  • Image Popup Keywords can be linked to display a popup which contains a single image.
  • Gallery Popup Do you need to display a gallery of images when your users click on certain keywords? No problem, the plugin allows you to link keywords to gallery popups.
  • Video Popup I bet sometimes you want to show the visitors a video but you don’t want them to exit your website to YouTube. You can link your keywords to video popups which support YouTube and Vimeo videos.
  • Google Maps Popup Let’s say you are reviewing a restaurant on your website. It would be a good idea to link the restaurant name with a Map Popup that displays the location of that restaurant.
  • Social Media Sharing Tooltip Let your visitors share any content/links you want to their social media accounts. By linking your keywords to a social media sharing tooltip, the keyword link will prompt the visitor with a tooltip that contains variant social media networks to share your content on.
2.1.21 NULLEDVersion
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
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