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Advanced Product Fields Pro for WooCommerce by StudioWombat

Advanced Product Fields Pro for WooCommerce by StudioWombat 3.0.3 NULLED

Version 3.0.3 – 13 Mar, 2025​

  • Improvement: improved cache clearing when saving design settings.
  • Fix: fixed an issue where the number’s field “minimum” wasn’t saving when set to zero.
  • Fix: fixed a row-gap spacing issue on the frontend.
  • Fix: fixed an issue with trailing zeros when using lookup tables.
= version 2.7.25 =
* Fix: fixed an issue where disabled options were still clickable when used in combination with the "maximum" setting.
= version 2.7.11 =
* Fix: fixed an issue with iOS devices not scrolling and focusing checkboxes when validation happens.
* Fix: undo pagination.
= version 2.7.3 =
* Fix: fixed an issue with file upload fields in combination with repeatable sections.
* Fix: fixed a bug with WooCommerce's "Order Again" functionality when adding a 2nd product to cart without any options.
= version 2.6.1 =
* Fix: fixed a bug with some price hints wrongly updating in rare cases.
* Other: if you are using the snippet to update the WooCommerce price label, please check our website and update your code snippet.
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