= 2.27 (2025-03-06) =
##### Added
* Added a way to control access to specific posts and pages. The new "Content Permissions" box in the post editor lets you choose which roles will be able to see a post. It also has an "Advanced" tab where you can enable or disable individual permissions like read/edit/delete for each role. Finally, you can control what happens when someone who doesn't have permission tries to view a post: you can replace the post content with something else, show a custom error, simulate a "404 Not Found" error, or redirect the user to a custom URL.
* Added "Quick Search": a pop-up search box that searches admin menus. Optionally, it can also search admin pages for specific settings, tabs, filter links, and a few more things. You can open the search box by pressing the Shift key twice or clicking the search icon in the Toolbar/Admin Bar. You can configure this feature in the new "Quick Search" tab or turn it off in the "Settings" tab (under "Modules").
* Added margin settings for menu headings.
* Added "Disable Customizations" tweaks that you can use to disable the custom admin menu, custom metabox visibility, and a few other things for specific roles or users.
* Added a filter that can be used to turn off admin menu customizations. Basic example: `add_filter('admin_menu_editor-disable_customizations-admin_menu_structure', '__return_true');`
* Added an option to highlight unsaved changes (i.e. enabled/disabled capabilities) in the "Roles" tab.
* Added an "Optimize menu configuration size" option to the "Settings" tab. It makes the plugin store the admin menu configuration in a more space-efficient format, which should reduce the size of the "ws_menu_editor_pro" database entry. This option is enabled by default. Previously, this was controlled by the option "Compress menu configuration data that's stored in the database", but now the "Compress..." option only applies to actual compression.
##### Fixed
* Fixed default redirects not being saved due to a bug in the "delete settings associated with missing roles" feature.
* Fixed the "Highlight background" color setting in admin menu colors not completely overriding the "Menu highlight background" setting in the general admin color scheme.
* Fixed a potential crash when the Zlib extension is enabled but the gzuncompress() function is disabled.
* Fixed a PHP warning related to WP Adminify that was triggered by trying to parse an invalid hook callback.
* Fixed the "Hide the Gutenberg options menu" tweak not working in WP 6.7.x.
* Fixed the tweaks that hide the "Media" and "Patterns" tabs in the Gutenberg block inserter not working in WP 6.7.x.
* Fixed a potential CSS issue where menu heading styles failed to override general menu item styles.
* Fixed a minor conflict with Elementor that caused the hidden menu items "Elementor -> Connect" and "Elementor -> Note Proxy" to become visible.
* Fixed the left side of the focus outline being cut off for capability checkboxes in the "Roles" tab.
* Fixed a potential caching issue with generated CSS stylesheets.
##### Changed
* Adjusted the size and layout of the top settings tabs on the "Menu Editor Pro" page in situations where the tabs don't fit on a single row.
* Removed the "Screen Options" panel fron the menu editor. The only option that was in that panel - "Hide advanced options" - is still available in the "Settings" tab (in the "Interface" section).
* Tested with WP 6.7.2; partially tested with WP 6.8-alpha.
* Increased minimum required WP version to 5.4.