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Admin Menu Editor Pro

Admin Menu Editor Pro 2.26.1

2.26.1 (2024-07-17)​


  • Added the "CSS classes" field to submenu items. You can use it to add custom CSS classes to menu items. Previously, only top level menus had this field.
  • Updated the capability database. The plugin uses this to categorize the role capabilities shown in the "Roles" tab.


  • Fixed a bug introduced in version 2.26 that prevented certain blocks from rendering in the default block editor. This only affected blocks that call the "block-renderer" REST API.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 2.25 (2024-07-02) =
##### Added
* Added background color settings for submenu item hover states, both for the admin menu and for the Toolbar.
* Added a background color setting for the currently active admin menu item.
* Added an option to open the admin menu logo link in a new tab.
* Added an option to automatically delete settings associated with missing roles and users. This only applies to certain settings, such as menu permissions and login redirects. "Missing" means that the role or user doesn't exist on the current site, which usually happens when it has been deleted. In Multisite, it can also happen if different subsites have different roles. By default, this option is enabled on regular sites and disabled in Multisite.

##### Fixed
* Fixed a WooCommerce conflict where two "Orders" menu items would appear when AME was active.
* Fixed a rare PHP warning "Undefined array key "parent" in ... menu-editor-core.php".
* Fixed a potential crash if the global `$menu` variable is not a native array but is still array-like.
* Improved compatibility with old versions of UiPress.

##### Changed
* Improved menu drag & drop from the top level to the submenu. You can now drop items anywhere in the active submenu, not just at the bottom.
* Tested with WP 6.5.5.
= 2.24.2 (2024-04-29) =
* Fixed a fatal error "Cannot use a scalar value as an array" when trying to save changes on the "Easy Hide" page.
= 2.24 (2024-04-15) =
##### Added
* Added a way to prevent a role from editing or deleting media files that were uploaded by other users. You can find the new settings in the "Tweaks" tab, in a section named "Media Library Restrictions".
* Added the ability to hide and/or remove block patterns.
* Added an option to hide the "Media" tab in the Gutenberg block inserter.

##### Fixed
* Fixed inability to save various menu styles and menu separator styles without creating an admin menu configuration first. This issue could cause errors when saving changes in the Admin Customizer.
* Fixed the Gutenberg block editor and the block-based widget editor having unnecessary empty space at the top when the Toolbar (Admin Bar) is hidden.
* Fixed the Gutenberg editor overlapping the admin menu when increasing the width of the admin menu.
* Fixed hidden special blocks like "Pattern placeholder" and "Legacy Widget" showing up in the "Hide Gutenberg Blocks" section even though they are not actually visible in the block inserter.
* Fixed a conflict between unchecking the "Show the Toolbar" option and enabling "Full height" admin menu mode in the Admin Customizer. This could cause the first item of the admin menu to go off the screen, making it invisible.
* Various other layout fixes.
* Fixed an Admin Ccustomizer bug where changing admin menu settings in a certain order and then saving the changes could result in some of those changes being lost. For example, this could happen if you changed the menu bar width, then changed the menu separator margins, then saved the changes - the menu bar width would be reset.
* Made the "Download as admin theme" feature available even when the current session doesn't have any unsaved changes.
* Fixed "Warning: Attempt to read property "cap_key" on null" if a metadata update happens for a non-existent user or the user can't be retrieved.
* Fixed the "Media" menu always being highlighted as "new" when the "Enable Media Replace" plugin is active.

##### Changed
* The "Hide Profile Fields" tweaks now also apply to the "Edit User" screen.
* Tested up to WordPress 6.5.2.
= 2.23.3 (2024-01-21) =
* Hiding the "Author" meta box now also hides the corresponding section of the "Summary" panel in the Gutenberg block editor.
* Updated the "Meta Boxes" tab to automatically reselect the previously selected role after saving changes.
* Fixed dashboard widget visibility not being saved.
= 2.23 (2024-01-17) =
##### Added
* Added way to hide posts created by other users. It's a group of new settings in the "Tweaks" tab. It works with posts, pages, media, and custom post types that use the default admin UI.
* Limitations: This feature only affects post tables like the one shown under "Posts -> All Posts". Hiding other users' posts from someone doesn't prevent them from opening those posts by following a direct link, and they can still edit the posts if they have the necessary capabilities (e.g. `edit_others_posts`).
* Made the Gutenberg panel "Revisions" hideable by hiding the corresponding meta box.

##### Changed
* Made menu editor toolbars "sticky". They will now stay below the admin bar when scrolling down, which can be useful when editing very long menus.
* Changed the default "editable roles" setting for the Administrator role from "Automatic" to "Leave unchanged". This means that users with the Administrator role will now be able to edit any user, even if the user being edited has more capabilities than the Administrator role (which can only happen with custom/modified roles). Of course, you can still configure this by clicking "Editable roles" in the "Roles" tab.
* Restored the "custom permissions" and "custom item" indicators for the "Modern" editor color scheme. Previously, they were not visible in the menu editor when using that color scheme.
* Migrated to Lodash 4.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 2.22.1 (2023-11-09) =
* Fixed a conflict with Query Monitor that had the potential to cause a fatal error in some rare situations (no errors actually reported by users so far).
* Tested with WP 6.4.1.
= 2.22 (2023-10-17) =
##### Added
* Added a search box for menu icons. For the moment, Dashicons and Font Awesome icons have separate search boxes.
* Added more Dashicons. Now the icon dropdown should show all currently existing Dashicons.
= 2.21.2 (2023-10-09) =
##### Fixed
* Fixed a conflict that prevented users from changing the menu icon of the Wordfence plugin (and possibly some other plugins that use similar CSS). Note that the option "Attempt to override menu icon CSS..." in the "Settings" tab may need to be enabled for this fix to be effective.
* Fixed a crash if the plugin encounters a supposed "menu item" that has the wrong data type, like a boolean. This was likely caused by a bug in an unidentified plugin or theme that modified the menu list incorrectly.
* Fixed plugin visibility restrictions not being applied when editing plugin files via AJAX.
* Fixed separator and admin color settings not being included when generating an admin theme in the Admin Customizer (the generated CSS was correct, but the settings could not be reimported later).
* Added a compatibility workaround to the menu export feature for dealing with buggy plugins that add superfluous whitespace to every WordPress response.

##### Changed
* Prevented the Admin Customizer interface from being displayed in any kind of a frame. Let's not do recursion.
* Tested with WP 6.3.1 and WP 6.4-alpha.