• The default language of any content posted is English.
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  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
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= Version 4.2.4 (10th February 2025 ) =
* Tweak: Add more specific message on AAWP API error
* Tweak: Open 'Extend API access' link on new tab
* Tweak: Update toggle label for Geotargeting
* Tweak: Enhnace security measures for better data handling
* Fix: Advanced Ads integration broken layout
* Fix: Alignment issue on products listtable
= Version 4.2.3 (27th January 2025) =
* Info: Updated Freemius SDK to v2.11.0
= Version 4.2.2 (14th January 2025) =
* Tweak: Improve quota check route in AAWP API
* Fix: Block layout issue on themes with small container width
* Fix: Language detection issue with latest WP version
* Fix: Broken stylings on Elementor preview editor
* Fix: Load AAWP TinyMCE on content editor only
* Fix: Prime settings, description, price format issue when only AAWP API is used
= Version 4.2.1 (26th November 2024) =
* Tweak: Custom icon path for update screen and activation window
* Fix: Currency and URL issue in the product schema markup
* Info: Updated translations
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= Version 4.0.0 (17th June 2024) =
* New: Migration to Freemius license system
* Tweak: Optimized license activation screen
* Fix: Missing dependency link to support page
* Info: WordPress 6.5.4 compatibility
= Version 3.33.1 (1st Feburary 2024) =
* Fix: Geotargeting cookie not set
= Version 3.32.0 (29th January 2024) =
* New: SiteStripe Migration
* Tweak: Tools page restructure
* Tweak: AAWP related info moved to Site Health
* Tweak: Use public services instead of AAWP API for geotargeting functionality
* Fix: Fatal error on PHP 8.3: duplicate declaration of static Variables
* Fix: "Invalid license" error on AAWP API test connection
* Fix: Inaccurate AAWP API connection status
= Version 3.30.14 (28th November 2023) =
* Fix: Renewal inconsistency when settings isn't saved yet
* Info: WordPress 6.4 compatibility
= Version 3.30.12 (20th October 2023) =
* Tweak: Admin pages redesign
* Tweak: Updated license servers