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Limited functionality.

AAWP NULLED - The Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin.

Up-to-date information​

Affiliate links will be generated, products, prices, and discounts refreshed automatically. You don't have to take care of this!

Flexible configuration​

Functionality and output can be adjusted generally via the plugin settings or individually by enhancing the shortcodes.

Design customizable​

Choose between different designs, add custom styles or create new templates in order to adapt the layout of your website.

Core functions of the plugin​

Text links​

With text links, you can issue a specific product name inside your content. Here, the corresponding link and output name are generated automatically. The product name can be overwritten manually.

Single (or multiple) product boxes​

Do you want a specific Amazon product to be displayed in a single post or page? With one shortcode you can easily display one or more visually appealing product boxes. Features included in the product boxes are for example: title, description, current availability and prices, discounts and call-to-action buttons.

Bestseller (lists)​

With the bestseller lists, you can deliver a really strong selling reason to your visitors by listing the best-selling products to a specific product group or keyword. In addition, you have the ability to set the number of products individually: e.g. Top 3, Top 10 etc.

New Releases (lists)​

What about attracting your visitor’s attention towards the latest products within a specific product group? Just like the bestseller lists, you have the ability to set the number rankings of the products themselves.

Data fields​

By using the so-called “fields” you place individual product information (such as the title, description, current price or buy button) anywhere in your posts / pages. These can also be used directly inside your templates files via the provided PHP functions.


In order to integrate items into your sidebar, widgets are available to assist you. Here you can choose between the core functionality listed above. If you need more adjustments, you can alternatively place the shortcodes in a text widget (or Visual Composer) too.

All benefits at a glance​

Shortcodes, widgets & PHP functions​

  • Dynamic text links
  • Product boxes in different variations
  • Automated lists (Bestseller and New Releases)
  • Displaying single product information (e.g. price)
  • Filtering and ordering of lists
  • Usage of AAWP functions inside your theme

More features​

  • Flexible configuration via plugin settings
  • Geo targeting in order to handle foreign visitors
  • Pre-built templates & styles
  • PHP templating for custom presentations
  • SSL/HTTPS support
  • Google AMP support
  • Earn additional commissions for referred Amazon Prime customers
4.2.4 NULLEDVersion
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Latest updates

  1. AAWP 4.2.4 NULLED

    = Version 4.2.4 (10th February 2025 ) = * Tweak: Add more specific message on AAWP API error *...
  2. AAWP 4.2.3 NULLED

    = Version 4.2.3 (27th January 2025) = * Info: Updated Freemius SDK to v2.11.0
  3. AAWP 4.2.2 NULLED

    = Version 4.2.2 (14th January 2025) = * Tweak: Improve quota check route in AAWP API * Fix...