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4SEF - Joomla 4 SEO extensions for SEF URLS

4SEF - Joomla 4 SEO extensions for SEF URLS 2.6.0

Version 2.6.0​

new Added Weeblr extensions quick switch menu
chg Added compatibility with breaking changes in Virtuemart 4.0, 4.2 and 4.4
chg Protect copy of extension changelog (with base64 encoding) against templates or plugins that search/replace body or head tag, can break extension entirely
chg Increased fuzziness of update access key display in system configuration for more privacy
chg Ensure no spaces around update access key, in case the key is entered through Joomla update site page
chg Avoid risks of filename collisions for servers with opcache.use_cwd option disabled by prefixing all include_once files with a full path
bug Possible user interface crashing in admin if access to server is blocked or server otherwise becomes unavailable
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Reactions: rivanov

Version 2.5.0​

chg Importing more URLs from sh404SEF in each batch when using the Import wizard
chg Updated Pagination classes overrides per changes in Joomla 5.1.3/4.4.7
bug Avoid low-contrast colors combination when displaying an error message in some circumstances

2024-01-30 - Version 2.2.0​

chg Removed throwing an error when trying to process invalid non-sef that miss an option value. Now using fallback plugin instead of logging an error
chg Added yet another workaround for Virtuemart not yet using the Joomla 3 (!) API to read parsed request variables
bug Joomla URL suffix option is not complied with when a component is set to Bypass
bug Possible PHP warning on some Virtuemart SEF URLs creation when no Itemid (menu item) is provided in the source non-SEF URL
bug Text color for red background warnings lacks contrast on small text
bug On newer Virtuemart versions, paginated URLs may content page number twice
bug Any SEF URL ending with the word print is considered a print version of the page

2023-11-07 - Version 2.1.0​

chg Changed default time out for communication with server from 10 to 20 seconds
chg Some <4SEF: no option value set in URI> errors are still logged, building up large log files
chg Tags component was hardcoded to use Joomla SEF URL, now changed to allow 3rd-party to write their own.
bug Language switcher uses same language code for all languages

2023-10-17 - Version 2.0.0​

chg Removed use of int(nn) in SQL tables declaration or update
chg Suppress button press highlighting by some browser on mobile devices
chg Updated ESBuild config to use actual file content hashes (esbuild hashes are not content hashes)
chg showall on multipage articles causes a 404 and is not recorded in 4SEF SEF URLs list
chg Minor tweaks for Joomla 5 compatibility
chg Added ability to add translation for new languages, or override existing translations, by dropping a json file in a subdirectory of /libraries/weeblr
chg Always suppress the menu Itemid variable from com_content URLs query variables
chg When customizing a Tags URL, that customized URL may not be used and additional records are created for it
bug Adding non-standard query variables to URLs that have been manually customized prevents the customized URL to be used
bug On some multilingual websites, it may not always be possible to switch back to default language
bug On multilingual websites, logging in when site is offline may not always work
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH

Version 1.6.0​

new Added full translation into Arabic, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, Romanian, Swedish and Chinese
chg Workaround for still building SEF URLs in cases where Joomla 4 router does not, because no menu item id can be found for the original, non-sef URL
chg Removed calls for translators from admin app footer
chg Do not log <4SEF: no option value set in URI> errors to file, may lead to large log files on very busy sites
chg Apply All lowercase option to SEF URLs manually customized by users, to ensure consistency and avoid useless redirects
chg Now including site host hash and current version in subscribers update authorization request
bug Home page RSS feeds may trigger a 404
bug Disabling Customize all duplicates options has no visible effect.
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Reactions: zafro

Version 1.5.1​

chg Added JCE and ContentHistory to the list of non-routable components, for which URLs should be left non-sef
bug Menu items to home page can sometimes not be recognized as such and use the menu item alias instead of the home page link
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Reactions: zafro

2023-02-03 - Version 1.4.0​

  • chg Prevent trying to save a new URL pair without providing a non-SEF
  • chg Now defining 4SEF_IS_INSTALLED constant at startup and 4SEF_IS_RUNNING if enabled
  • chg Added note that Add URL suffix option must be set to No on Joomla 3 websites when using any other suffix than .html
  • chg Now using /index.php as API endpoint, should reduce false positive and blocking by security systems on some servers
  • chg Creating or editing articles may not work when using some 3rd-party articles manager
  • chg Blur update key when input field not focused
  • bug Smart title option for multiple articles is not smart enough to work when the page break code in a page does not follow the default ordering created by TinyMCE on Joomla default installation
  • bug Incorrect option tooltip, showing wrong syntax to insert in article.
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Reactions: zafro

4SEF changelog​

2022-12-02 Version 1.3.0​

new Added full Danish translation by Ronny Buelund
chg Under some circumstances, Joomla may find a different menu item to use with a URL if 4SEF is in use or not.
chg Typos in French translation (thanks GFCom)
chg Do not enforce a language when none is present in the non-sef URL
bug Possible PHP warning or error on some Virtuemart pages
bug User account reset and remind options use Joomla SEF URLs
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Reactions: tatar221 and zafro