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WooCommerce Email Template Customizer Plugin

WooCommerce Email Template Customizer Plugin 1.2.2


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

WooCommerce Email Template Customizer - WooCommerce Email Template Customizer (Codecanyon Item ID: 28656007)

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If the default email template of WooCommerce looks plain to you, and you are looking for a way to customize WooCommerce emails, here is what you need. WooCommerce Email Template Customizer is a helpful tool that helps you build and customize WooCommerce emails. The plugin provides sufficient basic elements and WooCommerce elements as well as developmental tools for users to build a complete email. You can easily drag and drop, edit, and customize the...

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Email Template Customizer with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Email Template Customizer v1.1.11

/**1.1.11 - 2022.09.17**/
- Update: Compatible with 'Slider Revolution' by ThemePunch
- Update: Compatible with 'Gioia' theme by Elated Themes
- Update: Email subject can run shortcode
- Update: Compatible with WC 6.9.2
- Fixed: Shipping/Billing address font size not being recognized on Outlook
- Fixed: Fixed email template disable setting working not correct
- Fixed: Fixed email template not working in outlook with AutomateWoo

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Email Template Customizer with a new update entry:

Download WooCommerce Email Template Customizer v1.1.12

/**1.1.12 - 2022**/
- Updated: Compatible with WC 7.0.0
- Updated: Compatible with 'SUMO Discount' by Fantastic Plugins
- Updated: Add {applied_coupon} to coupon code
- Updated: Add {order_edit_url} for email send to admin
- Updated: Add {order_number_with_url_edit} for email send to admin
- Updated: Add {view_order_url} for email send to customer

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Email Template Customizer with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Email Template Customizer v1.1.13

Download WooCommerce Email Template Customizer v1.1.13
/**1.1.13 - 2022.10.28**/

- Updated: Add {viwec_download_product_link_style} to style button download product
- Updated: Add {viwec_download_product_link_text} to set title for button download product
- Updated: Compatible with WP 6.1.0
- Fixed: Fixed PHP Notice: Array to string conversion
- Fixed: Fixed NONCE_SALT

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Email Template Customizer with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Email Template Customizer v1.1.17

/**1.1.17 - 2023.03.08**/
- Fixed: Fixed shortcode not working in subject
- Updated: Compatible with 'Onea' theme by Elated Themes
- Updated: Add filter hook suggest product image 'viwec_suggest_product_thumb' - Accepts any registered image size name, or an array of width and height values in pixels (in that order). Default 'woocommerce_thumbnail'
- Updated: Add filter hook hidden subtotal when empty discount 'viwec_hidden_subtotal_epmty_discount'

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this is the 1.1.19 version


  • woocommerce-email-template-customizer-1.1.19.zip
    3.9 MB · Views: 9