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Relevanssi Premium

Relevanssi Premium 2.25.2


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

Relevanssi Premium - This premium plugin replaces WordPress search with a relevance-sorting search

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Fix your WordPress search!​

WordPress search doesn’t search everything, and doesn’t give you enough control over what is searched and how. Relevanssi Premium gives you full access and full control, with plenty of filters and ways to make Relevanssi work the way you want your search to work.
  • PDF contents Relevanssi can read the text from your PDFs, index it and search it...

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raz0r updated Relevanssi Premium with a new update entry:

Relevanssi Premium v2.20.0

= 2.20.0 =
* New feature: Relevanssi now shows the MySQL `max_allowed_packet` size on the debug tab.
* New feature: Relevanssi now shows the indexing query on the debug tab.
* New feature: You can now edit pinning and exclusions from Quick Edit.
* New feature: You can now remove queries from the search log from the query insights page.
* New feature: ACF field settings now include a 'Exclude from Relevanssi index' setting. You can use that to exclude ACF fields from the Relevanssi...

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raz0r updated Relevanssi Premium with a new update entry:

Relevanssi Premium v2.20.3

= 2.20.3 =
* New feature: Relevanssi now has a debug mode that will help troubleshooting and support.
* Minor fix: Using the_permalink() caused problems with search result links. That is now fixed. Relevanssi no longer hooks onto `the_permalink` hook and instead uses `post_link` and other similar hooks.
* Minor fix: Click tracking parameters have more control to avoid problems from malformed click tracking data.

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raz0r updated Relevanssi Premium with a new update entry:

Relevanssi Premium v2.20.4

= 2.20.4 =
* New feature: New filter hook `relevanssi_blocked_field_types` can be used to control which ACF field types are excluded from the index. By default, this includes 'repeater', 'flexible_content', and 'group'.
* New feature: New filter hook `relevanssi_acf_field_object` can be used to filter the ACF field object before Relevanssi indexes it. Return false to have Relevanssi ignore the field type.
* Minor fix: ACF field exclusion is now recursive. If a parent field is...

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raz0r updated Relevanssi Premium with a new update entry:

Relevanssi Premium v2.21.0

= 2.21.0 =
* New feature: You can now add weights to pinned terms to control the order of the pinned posts.
* New feature: New filter hook `relevanssi_add_attachment_scripts` lets you add the attachment javascripts to other post types than `attachment`.
* New feature: New filter hook `relevanssi_highlight_query` lets you modify the search query for highlighting.
* Changed behavior: Relevanssi no longer searches in feed searches by default.
* Minor fix: The filter...

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Here is the latest update, check it out!

Relevanssi Premium v2.23.0 nulled​

May 11th, 2023
* New feature: Relevanssi can now create custom field specific excerpts that come from one custom field only and know which field that is.
* New feature: You can see the indexed custom field names list in the indexing and excerpt settings.
* New feature: New filter hook relevanssi_excerpt_specific_custom_field_content filters the excerpt custom field content if relevanssi_excerpt_specific_fields is enabled.
* Changed behaviour: The relevanssi_get_custom_field_content() function now returns an array instead of a string. If relevanssi_excerpt_specific_fields is off, the previous string return value is returned as a single-item array with the string in index 0. If the setting is on, the array keys are the field names.
* Premium. Changed behaviour: The relevanssi_get_child_pdf_content() function now returns an array.
* Minor fix: The “none” value in category dropdowns from the searchform shortcode is changed from -1 to 0.
* Minor fix: The stopword population during the multisite installation used the wrong database table, leading to failed population.
* Minor fix: Multisite installation is moved from wp_insert_site (priority 10) to wp_initialize_site (priority 200) in order to avoid trouble.
* Premium. Minor fix: Wildcard search now works in whole word matching, not only in partial matching.
* Premium. Minor fix: The Gutenberg sidebar translations didn’t show up. Now you should be able to see the sidebar in the right language.

My zip files are always​

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    815.4 KB · Views: 9
raz0r updated Relevanssi Premium with a new update entry:

Relevanssi Premium v2.23.0

= 2.23.0 =
* New feature: Relevanssi can now create custom field specific excerpts that come from one custom field only and know which field that is.
* New feature: You can see the list of indexed custom field names in the indexing and excerpt settings.
* New feature: New filter hook `relevanssi_excerpt_specific_custom_field_content` filters the excerpt custom field content if `relevanssi_excerpt_specific_fields` is enabled.
* Changed behaviour: The...

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raz0r updated Relevanssi Premium with a new update entry:

Relevanssi Premium v2.24.0

= 2.24.0 =
* New feature: New filter hook `relevanssi_highlight_regex` makes it possible to adjust the regex used for highlighting.
* New feature: New filter hook `relevanssi_excerpt_custom_fields` filters the list of custom fields used for creating the excerpt.
* New feature: New filter hook `relevanssi_phrase_custom_fields` filters the list of custom fields used for phrase matching. Return an empty array to disable phrase matching in custom fields.
* New feature: New filter hook...

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raz0r updated Relevanssi Premium with a new update entry:

Relevanssi Premium v2.24.1

= 2.24.1 =
* New feature: The debugging tab now shows the status of the 'relevanssi_words' option.
* Changed behaviour: The 'relevanssi_index_content' and 'relevanssi_index_titles' filter hooks now get the post object as a second parameter.
* Minor fix: Stop Relevanssi from blocking the feed searches.
* Minor fix: Remove warning from missing blog_id parameter.
* Minor fix: Improve exact match boosts with accented letters.
* Minor fix: Entering synonyms in Polylang all languages mode...

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raz0r updated Relevanssi Premium with a new update entry:

Relevanssi Premium v2.24.3

= 2.24.3 =
* Security fix: Relevanssi had a vulnerability for SQL injections. Exploiting the vulnerability does require WP admin access. This vulnerability is now fixed.
* Security fix: Relevanssi had a vulnerability for error log injections. Exploiting this vulnerability requires file upload access to the site. This vulnerability is now fixed.
* New feature: New filter hook 'relevanssi_get_attachment_posts_query_final' filters the final SQL query for attachment post fetching.

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raz0r updated Relevanssi Premium with a new update entry:

Relevanssi Premium 2.25.1

= 2.25.1 =
* Security fix: Relevanssi had a vulnerability where anyone could access the search logs and click logs. The log export is now protected.
* Minor fix: Relevanssi had problems with Polylang when a post or term didn't have language specified. Now Relevanssi handles those situations better.
* Minor fix: Post date throttling had a MySQL error that made it replace JOINs instead of concatenating.
* Minor fix: The log database table now has an index on session_id, as not having...

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raz0r updated Relevanssi Premium with a new update entry:

Relevanssi Premium 2.25.2

= 2.25.2 =
* Security fix: Prevent CSV injection attack in log export.
* Security fix: Restrict access to doc count updates.
* Minor fix: Product variations check the parent product for access restrictions, to avoid situations where variations of a draft product appear in the results.
* Minor fix: Improved TablePress compatibility.
* Minor fix: Added error handling to the Ninja Table compatibility code.

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