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Prestashop Search and Clean Incorrect Microdata - SEO


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Search and Clean Incorrect Microdata - SEO​


Locate and fix duplicate or misconfigured JSON-LD Schema and Open Graph data in your online shop. Easy installation and full compatibility. Improve your shop now.


Do you want to improve the visibility of your online shop and increase your search engine rankings?
With the help of our powerful tool "Search and Clean Schema JSON-LD Data - SEO", you can easily optimise your website's structured data and achieve better SEO results.

Structured data are small pieces of structured information that search engines use to better understand the content of your website. However, it is common to find incorrect or outdated structured data, which can negatively affect your ranking in search results.

Our incorrect structured data search and cleanup tool is the perfect solution to correct these errors. With just one click, it will scan your online shop for incorrect structured data and show you a detailed report of the errors found. You will be able to quickly correct them and ensure that your structured data meets the standards recommended by search engines.


  • Search and Clean Schema JSON-LD Data - SEO 2.3.4.zip
    1.1 MB · Views: 25