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MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme

MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme 3.1.2


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme - eCommerce WordPress Theme (Themeforest Item ID: 36947163)

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MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme

Minimog is The Next Generation of highest-converting and extensible WordPress themes that will get you going in close to no time.

This is such an ultimate solution: A theme comes with a bundle of eCommerce Features that enable your store’s hidden power, and you don’t need to pay any extra fee. It’s FREE 100%.

Minimog – The High Converting...

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raz0r updated MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Version 1.8.0 - August 04th, 2022


New header layout 09.
New header icon set.
Allow change wishlist icon star to heart.
Minimal header settings.
Improvement shop sidebar off-canvas.
Improvement product attribute layered widget.
New setting allows widgets collapsed by default.
Improvement single product with Paypal button.
Improvement live views visitors.
Support product estimated shipping per hours.


WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce v.4.2.3
WPC Smart Compare for...

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raz0r updated MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Version 1.8.3 - August 12th, 2022


New translate for Cart Countdown Timer.
New setting allow change cart empty image.


Improvement wishlist style.
Improvement UX: Close quick view modal when product adding to cart.
Improvement UX: Close wishlist modal when product adding to cart.
Improvement UX: Close quick view modal when product adding to wishlist.
Improvement cart empty.

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raz0r updated MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

MinimogWP v1.9.1 – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme // September 09th, 2022

Version 1.9.1 - September 09th, 2022


New setting allow hide Customer Note in cart page.


Disabled product image hover on mobile for better UX.
Improvement product stock display.
Improvement product images gallery UX.
Improvement breadcrumb nested terms.
Change register page link when register modal disable.


Compatible with WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency plugin
Improvement translations package.

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raz0r updated MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

MinimogWP v1.9.4 – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme

Version 1.9.4 - September 19th, 2022


New option allows show product brand in loop.


WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce v.4.3.2
WPC Smart Compare for WooCommerce v.5.1.6
WPC Frequently Bought Together for WooCommerce v4.4.3
WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce v6.3.8
WPC Product Tabs for WooCommerce v.2.0.0
Revolution slider v6.5.31


Testimonial carousel centered highlight style.
Tabs content overlap on...

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raz0r updated MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Download MinimogWP v1.10.0 – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme

Download MinimogWP v1.10.0 – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme

Version 1.10.0 - October 26th, 2022


New homepage Halloween.
New style for product badge.
New style for product loop.
New options to change product badges's colors.


Revolution slider plugin v.6.6.5
WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce v.4.4.2
WPC Smart Compare for WooCommerce v.5.2.0
WPC Smart Notification for WooCommerce v.2.1.6
WPC Product Bundles...

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raz0r updated MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

MinimogWP v1.10.3 – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme

Version 1.10.3 - November 14th, 2022


Improvement product loop style 08 on list view.
Auto selected other attributes if variation has only one value.


Quick compare shortcode text showing with old plugin version.
Top bar info list component not showing.
Product add to cart sticky bar overlap on footer.

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raz0r updated MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

MinimogWP v2.0.1 – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme

Version 2.0.1 - December 9th, 2022


New setting allows control add to cart behaviour.


Improvement widget Filter products by Price slider.


Product categories layered dropdown filter not working.
Product tags layered dropdown filter not working.
Product brands layered dropdown filter not working.
Wrong translation string.
white gap on shop layout when lazy image feature disabled.

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raz0r updated MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

MinimogWP v2.1.0 – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme

Version 2.1.0 - December 15th, 2022


New feature product variation gallery images.


Improvement SEO and loading performance.
Improvement product 360 loading.
Insight Core plugin v.2.5.1
Multi Currency for WooCommerce plugin v.2.2.2
Compatible with WooCommerce 7.2.0


Stock quantity always show 0 when create manual orders.

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raz0r updated MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

MinimogWP v2.4.0 – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme

Version 2.4.0 - January 6th, 2022


Improvement WC Stripe payment style.


Retina images feature can be slow down website.
Product loop variation attribute rest count is wrong.
Product loop variation attribute order.
Scroll to top button behind mobile tabs.
Minor style with WooCommerce Stripe payment plugin.

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raz0r updated MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

MinimogWP v2.5.6 – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme

Version 2.5.6 - March 3rd, 2023


New option allows hide free shipping progress bar on cart.
Product badge sale update when variation changed.


Insight Core plugin v.2.6.4


Compatible with Advanced Product Fields add-on: Live Content Preview plugin.
Image rounded issue on Safari
Quick compare table not showing.
Lazy load images not init in Quick view modal.
Italian translation.

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raz0r updated MinimogWP – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

MinimogWP v2.9.8 – The High Converting eCommerce WordPress Theme

Version 2.9.8 - November 30th, 2023


Twitter X icon
Sales Countdown Timer plugin
Multi Currency for WooCommerce plugin
WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce v.4.7.8
WPC Smart Compare for WooCommerce v.6.1.5
WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce v.7.3.3
WPC Frequently Bought Together for WooCommerce v.6.2.3
WPC Product Tabs for WooCommerce v.3.0.6
WPC Smart Notification for WooCommerce v.2.3.5


IMPV Cart icon total

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