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JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform System

JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform System 6.9.0 NULLED

Hi, update september ? please

[8/11/2023] v6.4.0
[Not Nulled]

* Added pinned posts feature - creators can now pin a single post on the top of their profiles
* Added new storage solution based on pushrCDN
* Added ability to select all followers/fans when creating a new messenger conversation
* Added a new admin setting, allowing to skip browser locale check in favor of the site's primary language
* Added a new admin option to "Auto-follow the user that has referred the newly register account"
* Added a new `Hidden` flag over the Admin taxes area, now allowing to have certain taxes hidden from the payment form
* Added pdf & excel files upload support for the ID-verify area
* Added notes on supported files to upload over the ID-verify & Wallet deposit areas
* Added attachment preview field when browsing attachments over the admin panel
* Enhanced offline payments module, added 'Offline payments details box', 'Make the notes field mandatory' & 'Minimum file attachments required' options, facilitating the use of manual, custom offline payment alternatives
* Improved the way assets of ID verify & (manual) Payment deposit requests are shown in the admin panel
* Improved the video uploading state when conversion is taking place for non-playable videos
* Removed Block/Report/Unfollow actions from post-box when browsing own profile
* Fixed a bug where the "Hide links from profile" admin option would get inversed
* Fixed a CCBill payment provider issue, happening on some environments, causing subscriptions to stay on pending status
* Fixed a bug when social media login/registers made on the profile page, would have redirected to the feed after logging in
* Fixed an issue where creators wouldn't be able to preview the post page for non-released/non-approved/expired posts
* Fixed an admin dashboard bug, where the Earnings & Payments stats boxes were including the deposits & withdrawals
* Fixed a bug where blocked users would still have been able to post comments on the creator's content
* Fixed some dark mode inconsistencies related to the profile markdown editor
* Fixed an admin wallets issue when creating new wallet entries
* Fixed Notifications' area "X time before" label to "X time ago"
* Small translation strings-related improvements
* Other small fixes and improvements
* Small documentation-related updates

raz0r updated JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform System with a new update entry:

JustFans 6.9.0 NULLED

[4/19/2024] v6.9.0
* Added new Admin > Settings > Feed option allowing the search widget to be set to default filters
* Fixed an admin panel issue issue when running on S3 storage + Presigned urls, breaking user save action
* Fixed a few pushrCDN storage driver-related leftover issues
* Fixed an issue when invalid default profile prices were provided in the admin panel, the register flow would throw errors
* Fixed a miscalculation on the withdrawal confirmation email, related to the...

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