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CartBounty Pro - Save and recover abandoned carts for WooCommerce

CartBounty Pro - Save and recover abandoned carts for WooCommerce NULLED


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

CartBounty Pro - Save and recover abandoned carts for WooCommerce - Save abandoned carts by instantly capturing WooCommerce checkout form before submission.

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CartBounty Pro NULLED - Save and recover abandoned carts for WooCommerce​

Live shopping cart monitoring and reports​

CartBounty saves and displays all shopping cart activity from the moment a product is added to the cart.
  • Detailed abandoned cart reports
  • Discover the top most abandoned products
  • View anonymous carts

Automate abandoned cart recovery​

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There is a new update. Please. Thanks.


  • Added a new filter "cartbounty_pro_cart_cooldown_period" to change the cooldown period preventing the creation of a new abandoned cart during the same session after a user has already placed an order
  • Fixed minor issue with coupon generation for Exit intent and Early capture tools
Shows "Thank you for activating CartBounty Pro. Please navigate to Settings, input your license key, and prepare for a treasure trove of bounties and wild cart-saving adventures ahead! :)" and constantly asks to enter a valid key.
I installed this version 10.0.2 NULLED but it seems that it is not capturing purchases, the version I had before was but I no longer have the previous version. What can I do ? Does anyone have a previous version available?