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ADDED ability to change the Button Alignment for different screen sizes. For example, now you can set the Default alignment on desktops and laptops, the Center alignment on Tablets, and the Full-width alignment on Mobiles
ADDED new ability to use Section Templates via Live Buidler. Now you can easily create website pages from scratch using pre-built categorized templates, check the screencast
IMPROVEDLive Builder:
added preview for the Post Taxonomy element when editing a Page Template
fixed incorrect preview of some elements when changing its settings...
added "Media File: Custom Link" into dynamic value selection, it's now easier to create an image gallery with custom links via the "Grid / Listing" element
IMPROVEDTheme Options – turned back the ability to edit Site Layout and Typography settings in the admin area. Live customization is only available when the "Live Builder" switch is enabled
FIXED bug when custom post types couldn't be edited via the Live Builder after the updating to 8.18.2
FIXED bug when an incorrect "Additional Google Fonts" value could break a website...
ADDED new Product List element – allows you easily create a list of products based on Grid settings, but with more flexible abilities:
show products based on their taxonomies with complex combinations (e.g. products from the "Clothes" category with "Black" and "White" colors and the "Small" size only)
show products based on their price
show products based on their custom fields (it's possible to use dynamic values for custom field conditions, e.g. showing products if their custom date is greater/less than "today")
show products except manually selected
and many other combinations which can't be possible via the Grid element
ADDED new Checkout Page Login element – adds a login ability for visitors during checkout, when it uses custom theme elements
ADDED new Custom HTML Attributes settings – now you can add custom HTML attributes to every theme element
IMPROVEDGallery element:
added ability to show images from custom fields
added settings for "load more" pagination
IMPROVEDPopup element:
added Popup Layout option with Full Screen, Left Panel, Right Panel values
ADDED ability to create different Field Styles and assign them to theme elements with input fields (Contact Form, List Filter, Search, etc.) Learn more...
FIXED issue with a Grid/List when its "Gap between items" option has "%", now all percentage values are changed to "cqw" units to be compatible with the new CSS grid styles
FIXED case when the product gallery images were not stretched to the full container width
FIXED javascript conflict with the Ninja Forms plugin after updating to version 8.33