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WooCommerce Ship to Multiple Addresses

WooCommerce Ship to Multiple Addresses 4.2.3


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

WooCommerce Ship to Multiple Addresses - Allow your customers to ship individual items in a single order to multiple addresses

View attachment 834

Let Your Customers Ship Cart Items to Different Addresses​

Convenience for your customers should be a paramount priority for any eCommerce retailer. That’s where Multiple Ship-To functionality comes in. Out of the box, with little setup, you can help avoid the frustration that can occur when a customer is shopping for multiple people at one time. Instead of forcing them to place multiple orders, they can quickly and easily ship to...

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Ship to Multiple Addresses with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Ship to Multiple Addresses v4.0.0

2023-10-16 - version 4.0.0
* Add - High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) compatibility.
* Add - `wc_ms_new_shipment_before_save` action to modify shipment object before it is saved.
* Fix - Default shipping address being overwritten when user using saved address.
* Fix - Pass order ID to `wc_ms_shop_table_row` hook everywhere.
* Fix - Persist shipment data in `WC_MS_Order_Shipment::create_from_package()`.
* Fix - Order data exporter on the "Export Personal Data"...

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