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WooCommerce Servired/RedSys Spain Gateway

WooCommerce Servired/RedSys Spain Gateway 25.3.5


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

WooCommerce Servired/RedSys Spain Gateway - Extends WooCommerce with RedSys gateway

View attachment 8035

Allow customers to check out and pay via RedSys (CaixaBank, Santander, BBVA, etc), Bizum, MasterPass your WooCommerce store. Allow, Pay with 1 click, Subscriptions, Preauthorizations, etc

Redsys payment gateway for WooCommerce​

Redsys is the most-used gateway in Spain (98%).

With this extension, you get:
  • PSD2
  • Redsys Gateway
  • The credit card on the Checkout
  • MasterPass
  • Bizum
  • InSite
  • PayGold
  • Redsys Gateway...

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Servired/RedSys Spain Gateway with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Servired/RedSys Spain Gateway v20.3.0

2023.04.02 - version 20.3.0

* UPDATE: Improved InSite with authenticators.
* UPDATE: Added more non-english caracters to sanitization.
* UPDATE: Now if the customer language is not in plugin array, the plugin use English language.
* UPDATE: Improved redirection with modal. Now the modal is closed when the customer press cancel bitton in Redsys.
* FIX: Fixed an error when Pay with 1click is not active in InSite.
* FIX: Fixed many Notices and some Warnings.

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Servired/RedSys Spain Gateway with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Servired/RedSys Spain Gateway v23.0.2

2023.10.20 - version 23.0.2

* FIX: Something happened between October 18-19 that caused some SOAP servers to stop functioning correctly, regardless of the plugin version. I have applied a fix provided by the Redsys developer department (which I greatly appreciate) and it worked, so this version incorporates it. It's a mandatory update if you are experiencing problems with SOAP.

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Reactions: Richard_Ferlow
raz0r updated WooCommerce Servired/RedSys Spain Gateway with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Servired/RedSys Spain Gateway v24.0.0

2023.10.27 - version 24.0.0
* NEW: Pay with one click from products. Only virtual products. It will be improved in next versions.
* NEW: Now the plugin check for errors 172, 173 and 174. Mandatory by Visa and MasterCard. With Errors 172 & 173, credir card are removed from WooCommerce.
* UPDATE: Improved Redsys modal.
* UPDATE: Improved Redsys methods reload.
* FIX: Typo error in x-www-form-urlencoded

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Servired/RedSys Spain Gateway with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Servired/RedSys Spain Gateway 25.1.0

2024.10.17 - version 25.1.0
* NEW: Filter redsys_order_number.
* NEW: Apple Pay Express Checkout (Checkout Block) for virtual products.
* NEW: New filter redsys_thankyou_page_text.
* UPDATE: PHP 8.2 & 8.3 compatibility, many notices fixed.
* UPDATE: New WooCommerce Debug API.
* UPDATE: Updated URLs to WooCommerce.com and plugins.joseconti.com.
* UPDATE: Updated Redsys Errors.
* UPDATE: Code is Poetry.
* FIXED: Problem with WordPress Multisite.
* FIXED: A log alway writed with InSite...

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