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I tried to use Yoast SEO and AIO SEO for WordPress but it looks outdated, I prefer to RankMath over Yoast SEO.

  1. Yoast SEO
  2. All in One SEO
  3. Squirrly SEO
  4. SEO Press
  5. RankMath
  6. Other (please specify)

What's your opinion WP gurus?
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If you want to get things done and don't care about the UI, I don't see much difference between Yoast and Rank Math.
I personally use Yoast SEO on some of my websites and Rank Math on others. The one thing that got me to start using Rank Math was that it offered a straightforward solution to change the SiteMap URL. Other than that I don't see much of a difference in the usability and functionality.
By the way, I only use free versions even though we have access to premium versions. I think some users make the mistake of using the premium just because they can, even though they don't actually need the functionality in many cases.
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I use Yoast SEO in one project and Rank Math in another project.
It seems to me that Rand Math is more productive, in any case, with Rand Math my pages in the admin panel open faster.

In general, both work as they should, but I preferred Rand Math because of the interface.

I want to test SEO Press again. Did someone work with him?
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