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Seems to have multiple trojans, could you tell me the orgin of the file ? I assume the password protection is to stop AV's from checking the files in it.
Seems to have multiple trojans, could you tell me the orgin of the file ? I assume the password protection is to stop AV's from checking the files in it.
@raz0r please take a look at this thread, i assume that they try to rat people, the tool itself does executes multiple files that are flagged as trojans
Seems to have multiple trojans, could you tell me the orgin of the file ? I assume the password protection is to stop AV's from checking the files in it.
As i said, you're trying to rat people, why is it saying only 1 detection, since it is password protected, so please upload the non password protected one and let's scan it again
And could you explain me why is it taking screenshots while using the tool ??? It's not working too :