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NULLED Upgrading vBulletin Suite 4.2.6 to PHP 8.3: Need Help


New member
Hi everyone,

I upgraded the latest edition of "vBulletin Suite 4.2.6-php7.4 Null vBSupport.org" to PHP 8.3. Overall everything works fine, but there are two problems: the blog doesn't work and the editor is not fully displayed; also when posting, no smileys are added. Perhaps one of you can complete this? Also, there are some errors like "Deprecated" and "Undefined Variable".

Here is the complete vBulletin Suite 4.2.6-php7.4 Null vBSupport.org: https://workupload.com/file/2pM6XRzL2Sr

then just add my diffs files.

I hope this is helpful and someone can complete it.

Best regards


  • vBulletin Suite 4.2.6-php8.3 diffs.zip
    223.2 KB · Views: 22
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If you're planning to install "vBulletin Suite 4.2.6-php7.4" and you currently have PHP 8.3 set as your PHP version, you might run into compatibility issues. vBulletin 4.2.6 is designed to work with PHP 7.4 (up to PHP 7.6 I think), and using PHP 8.3 could cause errors or unexpected behavior. To avoid problems, I recommend downgrading your PHP version to 7.4 to verify that this is the case of your problems!
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i have already installed vBulletin Suite 4.2.6-php7.4 and it runs under PHP 7.4. PHP 7.4 is the last version of the 7 series there is no PHP 7.6! I thought someone could help me finish the work I started so that the suite runs on php 8.3.
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i have already installed vBulletin Suite 4.2.6-php7.4 and it runs under PHP 7.4. PHP 7.4 is the last version of the 7 series there is no PHP 7.6! I thought someone could help me finish the work I started so that the suite runs on php 8.3.
...just me misunderstanding your question 💥 (typo: I was referring to 7.4.6 not 7.6)
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