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UltraNews - Laravel Newspaper, Blog Multilingual System, AI Writer, Content Generator

NULLED UltraNews - Laravel Newspaper, Blog Multilingual System, AI Writer, Content Generator 4.0.0 NULLED


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

UltraNews - Laravel Newspaper, Blog and Magazine Multilingual System - Laravel Newspaper, Blog and Magazine Multilingual System | 34228954

View attachment 4170

UltraNews NULLED is the Clean Modern Magazine Laravel designed to give you the best platform for modern content focused websites.

And very flexible and well suited for recipe, fashion, travel, technology, personal, a newspaper, the next Buzzfeed, The Verge, the next Business Insider, or any other awesome magazine and blog website. UltraNews use modern Bootstrap 4 magazine template with pixel-perfect design...

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raz0r updated UltraNews - Laravel Newspaper, Blog Multilingual System with support AI Writer, Content Generator with a new update entry:

UltraNews v2.8.0 NULLED

## 2.8.0 (Oct 24, 2023)
- Improve performance & theme UI
- Add slugs translation
- Improve multi-language
- Add option to disable agent info in the property detail page
- Fix text direction button in CKEditor
- Fix issues when using PostgreSQL
- Improve System updater
- Improve core & performance
- Improve locale/translation download
- Improve Analytics widgets

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vusoul 's signature
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For those who haven't or failed to activate this script license, you can try this method if you already entered a random license, but still failed.
  1. Go to Platform Administration
  2. Go to Cache Management
  3. Then click Clear all CMS Cache
  4. Next, refresh your browser page.
  5. Try Check Again
If Your Website Uses Cloudflare. Try Purge Cache in the Cloudflare website cache configuration.

After that, try checking again on the License Settings Page to see if it is like in this picture

Ngotek - Ngomongin Teknologi
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For those who haven't or failed to activate this script license, you can try this method if you already entered a random license, but still failed.
  1. Go to Platform Administration
  2. Go to Cache Management
  3. Then click Clear all CMS Cache
  4. Next, refresh your browser page.
  5. Try Check Again
If Your Website Uses Cloudflare. Try Purge Cache in the Cloudflare website cache configuration.

After that, try checking again on the License Settings Page to see if it is like in this picture

Ngotek - Ngomongin Teknologi
View attachment 30093
Wow working, thank for sharing
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For those who haven't or failed to activate this script license, you can try this method if you already entered a random license, but still failed.
  1. Go to Platform Administration
  2. Go to Cache Management
  3. Then click Clear all CMS Cache
  4. Next, refresh your browser page.
  5. Try Check Again
If Your Website Uses Cloudflare. Try Purge Cache in the Cloudflare website cache configuration.

After that, try checking again on the License Settings Page to see if it is like in this picture

Ngotek - Ngomongin Teknologi
View attachment 30093
Already do that, Not working for me
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raz0r updated UltraNews - Laravel Newspaper, Blog Multilingual System, AI Writer, Content Generator with a new update entry:

UltraNews Laravel 3.5.0 NULLED

## 3.5.0 (Jul 21, 2024)

- Add option to keep original file size and quality when uploading to server
- Add audio shortcode
- Increase max length in custom JS
- Split theme option to multiple pages
- Update third-party packages to the latest version
- Improve UI contact form
- Improve cache system for better performance

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raz0r 's signature
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Already do that, Not working for me
actually the license is already active, but the "license activation" notification still appears.

Try this.
  1. Go to Settings > Admin Appearance
  2. Scroll down to "custom css"
  3. use this css :
    .vertical-wrapper {
    all: unset; /* Removes all previously applied styles */
    display: none !important; /* Hides the element */
The notification above will no longer appear
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raz0r updated UltraNews - Laravel Newspaper, Blog Multilingual System, AI Writer, Content Generator with a new update entry:

UltraNews 4.0.0 NULLED

## 4.0.0 (Dec 28, 2024)

- Change minimum PHP version: Require PHP 8.2.0 or higher.
- Optimize source code: Improve performance and maintainability.
- Improve TinyMCE editor: add RTL mode
- Improve front theme UI
- Improve cache for better performance
- Optimize source code
- Update third-party libraries to the latest version

Read the rest of this update entry...
raz0r 's signature
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