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Ultimate Inventory with POS System

NULLED Ultimate Inventory with POS System 2.4 NULLED

hackermiind submitted a new resource:

Ultimate Inventory with POS - pos software

Released on February 14, 2022
Improved Stability & Performance

Demo: https://pos.creatantech.com

Ultimate Inventory with POS is a PHP/jQuery based web application that allows you to manage your sales and stock. Application has Easy POS system for faster billing.

Application manages the Sales & Sales Return Invoices as well as Payments, Purchase & Purchase Return Invoices as well as Payments, Customers information(Customers...

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This barcode appears 1 column vertical, But I want it to be 2 columns horizontal. because i want to print 70x22 . sticker barcode
the result is like this
please help me
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raz0r updated Ultimate Inventory with POS System with a new update entry:

Ultimate Inventory with POS System v2.4 NULLED

# Version 2.4: May 20,2023
1. NEW: Sales invoice & Return Invoice - auto payment input box filled.
2. NEW: Customer Ajax (Search with mobile, name, Code).
3. NEW: Supplier Ajax (Search with mobile, name, Code).
4. NEW: Items Ajax (Search with name, Item Code).
5. NEW: POS Right search inout box to search items.
6. NEW: Footer text not shown on POS invoice
7. NEW: POS separate permission.
8. NEW: Help Document - separate permission for it.
9. NEW: Sales list, purchase list, expense -...

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Can someone please assist me with the login details as the admin and password provided are not working
theophilusjtt 's signature
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Can someone please assist me with the login details as the admin and password provided are not working
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username and password is not working. is anyone can assit me
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