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Shoptimizer 2.8.5

raz0r updated Shoptimizer with a new update entry:

Shoptimizer 2.7.7

2.7.7 - 31-05-2024
* New: Shoptimizer cart total shortcode and Elementor widget. Can now include cart total with the slideout sidebar within a custom-built header.
* Fix: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated.
* Accessibility: Out of stock red color made slightly darker for color contrast.
* Accessibility: Improved keyboard focus states on PDPs.
* Accessibility: Theme modals (call back and search) now use native HTML <dialog> element.
* Accessibility: Cart in navigation bar...

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raz0r updated Shoptimizer with a new update entry:

Shoptimizer 2.8.0

2.8.0 - 12-09-2024
* Major: Theme CSS completely rebuilt into modular components resulting in a 27% reduction in CSS size.
* New: Product card images are now swipeable on mobile if a second gallery image is present and hoverable on desktop.
* New: Can now display a cross-sells carousel within the buy box on a PDP.
* New: Core Woo Product category widget now has an expand/collapse option (Appearance > Customize > Layout > Sidebars)
* Fix: Font display issue after upgrading to WP 6.6+...

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raz0r updated Shoptimizer with a new update entry:

Shoptimizer 2.8.1

2.8.1 - 13-09-2024
* New: Can now hide cross-sells from the cart page.
* Fix: Improved build process for unminified theme CSS files.
* Fix: Mini cart close icon hidden in Safari.
* Fix: Mobile mini cart width fix for small viewports.
* Fix: Cart icon hidden on desktop when 'Header 5' layout selected.
* Tweak: Cross-sells PDP carousel now RTL compatible.

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raz0r 's signature
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raz0r updated Shoptimizer with a new update entry:

Shoptimizer Theme 2.8.3

2.8.3 - 20-09-2024
Fix: Improved native WooCommerce info bar styling.
Fix: PDP gallery modal z-index issue.
Fix: Undefined array key for shoptimizer_layout_wrapper.
Fix: Germanized styling on checkout page improved.
Fix: Previous/Next on PDPs now excludes out of stock products.
Fix: Checkout heading function now includes an additional check if it exists.
Fix: RTL improvements.

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raz0r updated Shoptimizer with a new update entry:

Shoptimizer Theme 2.8.4

= 2.8.4: 07-03-2025​

  • New: Can now include below archive content on Product Tags and Product Brands listings.
  • Fix: Additional checks applied to the get_rating_html function to prevent errors.
  • Fix: Product thumbnails not appearing within the Admin > Products area.
  • Fix: PDP lightbox z-index issues resolved.
  • Fix: Legacy gallery CSS re-applied if not using the gallery block.
  • Fix: Improved styling for deeply nested levels of dropdown navigation items...

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