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Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme

NULLED Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 7.4.3 NULLED

raz0r updated Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 7.2.4 NULLED

Version 7.2.4 (10.8.2024)

- Updated: Slider Revolution plugin to version 6.7.20
- Updated: Performance of the Porto Chart Price filter widget by optimizing query and implementing a caching feature
- Fixed: Language switcher functionality for AJAX actions not working when the WooCommerce plugin is not installed
- Fixed: Vulnerability in the AJAX Quick View, ensuring it only displays public products
- Fixed: PHP error occurring after selecting Porto predefined colors in the Theme...

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raz0r updated Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 7.2.6 NULLED

Version 7.2.6 (10.15.2024)

- Fixed: Plugin update functionality not working correctly in the "Plugins" section of the setup wizard
- Fixed: Issues updating WPBakery, Porto Functionality, and Alpus Elementor FlexBox Addon plugins in Admin > Plugins and Admin > Dashboard > Updates
- Fixed: Ajax actions not functioning properly on multilingual sites
- Fixed: Styling issue with active status on swatches in single product pages

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raz0r updated Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 7.2.10 NULLED

Version 7.2.10 (11.13.2024)

- Updated: Compatibility with WordPress 6.7
- Updated: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.4
- Updated: Compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder 8.0
- Updated: Compatibility with Slider Revolution 6.7.21
- Fixed: Issue where Padding Top/Bottom on Sticky option in the sticky header were not functioning correctly for the Porto Elementor Header Builder
- Fixed: Compatibility issue with the "Widget Options" plugin in the Porto Post Type Builder
- Fixed...

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raz0r updated Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 7.3.2 NULLED

Version 7.3.2 (12.16.2024)

+ Added: Compatibility with Elementor version 3.26
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce version 9.5
+ Added: Compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder version 8.1
- Fixed: Translation issue on the login popup
- Fixed: CSS appearance animation effect issue for cloned slides in the Alpus Flexbox Slider

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raz0r updated Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Porto Theme 7.4.0 NULLED

Version 7.4.0 (1.7.2025)

+ Added: New WPBakery Demo Fashion Store – Shop 52
+ Added: New Elementor Demo Fashion Store – Shop 52

+ Added: Elementor 3.27 Compatibility Beta
+ Added: Reduce DOM size by eliminating unnecessary HTML wrappers in all Porto elements and widgets with Optimize Markup
+ Added: New Version Alpus Flexbox Plugin 2.3.0

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raz0r updated Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Porto WooCommerce Theme 7.4.1 NULLED

Version 7.4.1 (1.21.2025)

+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce v9.6
- Updated: Porto Conditional Rendering System by adding a current url condition
- Fixed: minor style issue on Admin Customizer panel
- Fixed: minor js issue after loading Porto One Page Category element by Ajax
- Dev: Added "porto_enqueue_after_internal_css" action in porto_after_internal_css function

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raz0r updated Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 7.4.2 NULLED

Version 7.4.2 (2.3.2025)

- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to v6.7.28
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the Events Manager plugin
- Fixed: Porto modal dialog element not opening correctly when multiple instances exist on a page
- Fixed: SEO attribute issues in the result count element of the Porto Shop Builder

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