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NexoPOS - POS, CRM and Inventory Manager

NexoPOS - POS, CRM and Inventory Manager 5.3.0


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

NexoPOS 4.x - POS, CRM & Inventory Manager - NexoPOS 4.x - POS, CRM & Inventory Manager - Codecanyon 31188619

View attachment 8117

NexoPOS 4.x is a POS System, CRM, and Inventory Manager, that aims to ease store management. With the included features, you’ll be able to monitor and see the growth of your store.

Detailed Inventory Manager​

NexoPOS allows you to create unlimited products that can be handled on various units. Each unit has an isolated inventory that can be procured with purchase orders and sold. The inventory manager can be improved using the...

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raz0r 's signature
raz0r updated NexoPOS 4.x - POS, CRM and Inventory Manager with a new update entry:

NexoPOS 4.x v4.8.18 - POS, CRM and Inventory Manager

= v4.8.18 - 2023.05.16
- Fix Spanish translations
- Fixed: yearly report not recomputing
- Fixed: order types not used on the demo
- Fixed: sale report row background color
- Fix: saving custom format on the database (#1458)
- Fixed: Tax computing with string values (#1468)
- Added: print option on a hold order.

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raz0r 's signature
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raz0r 's signature
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raz0r updated NexoPOS - POS, CRM and Inventory Manager with a new update entry:

NexoPOS 5.1.0

= v5.1.0 - 2024.02.28
- Fixed: The field was disabled when the reset confirmation was closed
- Fixed: scroll on the product grid
- Fixed: renaming column on transaction histories
- Fixed: make tax group nullable on procurements products
- Fixed: loading quick product with no default
- Fixed: ns.recurring-transaction was written as ns.recurring-transactions (with a 's') which was causing the recurrence screen not to work.
- Fixed: Deleting Product On Cart #1783
- Fixed: #1750 reset...

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raz0r 's signature
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Reactions: sainaasai and alpipopa
raz0r updated NexoPOS - POS, CRM and Inventory Manager with a new update entry:

NexoPOS 5.3.0

  • Removed: flat discount on product
  • Fixed: tax computation for changed product price
  • Added: a custom way of saving model with relationship and dispatching "created" after.
  • Fixed: ensure CashRegiterHistoryAfterAllDeletedEvent is dispatched when a prior RegisterHistory is
  • Fixed: tax computation
  • Added: support for custom settings footer component
  • Updated: moved v5.3 migrations on a separate file
  • Added: reset for accountingsWIP Accounting
  • Added: COGS on the order...

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raz0r 's signature
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Dear Team,
Do we still some update of the same with their add-ins / add-ons?
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