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Multi-Purpose Form Generator & docusign (All types of forms) SaaS

NULLED Multi-Purpose Form Generator & docusign (All types of forms) SaaS 4.8 NULLED Extended


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

Multi-Purpose Form Generator & docusign (All types of forms) with SaaS - Multi-Purpose Form Generator & docusign (All types of forms) with SaaS (Codecanyon 19472616)

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The most painful and time-consuming task while designing a website is creating HTML Forms with many different types of input fields.

The form can be a Contact form, Registration form, Feedback form or any other form. Forms can have different types of input fields along with different validation types, error messages and further processing of the form when it is submitted.

Creating it manually every time you need a form is time-consuming and need technical...

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raz0r submitted a new resource:

Multi-Purpose Form Generator & docusign (All types of forms) with SaaS - Multi-Purpose Form Generator & docusign (All types of forms) with SaaS (Codecanyon 19472616)

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Hi brother, it will be great if you can update to the latest version.

V5.0 Released (May 12, 2023)​

  1. NEW: Updated Laravel to 9
  2. NEW: Added support for PHP > 8.1
  3. NEW: Removed PHP 7 support as it’s depreciated.
  4. NEW: QR & barcode related improvements
  5. NEW: Added Allowed values property for input field
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