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JetPlugins for Elementor by Crocoblock 2025

JetPlugins for Elementor by Crocoblock 2025 2025-01-20


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

JetPlugins for Elementor by Crocoblock - All-in-one toolkit for building websites with WordPress and Elementor. From simple visual effects to

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The Ultimate Toolkit for Building Websites with WordPress​

Made for WordPress Professionals. Perfect for Elementor. Perfect for WordPress.

List of plugins:
JetAppointment – Appointment plugin for Elementor
JetEngine – Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor
JetMenu – Mega Menu for Elementor Page Builder
JetCompareWishlist – Boost your WooCommerce Store
JetProductGallery – Your...

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Crocoblock 2024.01.12
jet -elements-2.6.14.zip
jet-search-3.2. 1.zip
jet-woo-builder-2.1 .9.zip

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Updates :
JetSearch For Elementor 3.2.2
# 3.2.2
* FIX: Resolved Ajax Search widget issue within Jet Popup during ajax loading;
* FIX: Resolved the issue with the `Highlight Searched Text` option in the block editor when the option was turned off;
* FIX: Minor bug fixes.

# 3.2.1
* FIX: accessibility in the widgets.

* ADD: Check for the presence of sessions table in the database;
* ADD: Disable token clearing when the session usage option is turned off.

# 3.2.0
* ADD: Bricks Builder сompatibility;
* ADD: Added a new validation mechanism for adding new suggestions via the Search Suggestions widget;
* FIX: rest api urls;
* FIX: Search in taxonomy terms issue;
* FIX: minor issues.

JetBooking 3.2.0
## 3.2.0
* ADD: ability to export bookings ([#4125](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/4125));
* ADD: Export functionality to calendars list;
* ADD: Booking Availability Calendar block for Gutenberg;
* ADD: Functionality to clear temporary bookings;
* ADD: Macros for booking custom data & macros for default booking data with format functionality;
* ADD: Form controls for date range picker in Bricks and Elementor page builders;
* ADD: Added instance filter in Booking list admin page;
* UPD: Remove required JetEngine dependence;
* UPD: Booking list admin improvements;
* UPD: Upcoming booking list improvements;
* FIX: Admin booking editing and creation with disabled days;
* FIX: Dashboard pages notice display;
* FIX: Booking Availability Calendar widget options compatibility with WC based booking form.

JetEngine 3.3.4
## 3.3.4
* FIX: Prevent error if Elementor is not installed;
* FIX: Query result count for Dynamic Visibility in gutenberg does not work;
* FIX: Prevent deprecated notic on PHP 8+;
* FIX: Sorting filters not working with CCT Dynamic Table/CCT listing custom query;
* FIX: Filters with Maps listing and CCT Query;
* FIX: PHP error when using a Query Results Macro in Blocks editor;
* FIX: Error when use Location&Distance in some cases;
* FIX: Brick Builder: Query loop conflict;
* FIX: Related items table UI;
* FIX: Bricks: setting background color dynamically from the colorpicker meta field does not work;
* FIX: Advanced date field is not displayed properly on large number of iterations;
* FIX: Can't update CCT posts meta field via REST API if is multiple is enabled.

JetElements For Elementor 2.6.15
## [2.6.15](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-elements/archive/2.6.15.zip) - 16.01.2024
* Added: [Crocoblock/suggestions#7238](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/7238)
* Added: `Lazy Load Images` option in the Advanced Carousel widget
* Fixed: `Slides to Scroll` option with widescreen breakpoints in the Image Comparison widget
* Fixed: float value in the Circle Progress widget
* Fixed: plane shadow in the Button widget
* Fixed: minor issues

JetSmartFilters 3.3.1
## 3.3.1
* ADD: datepicker calendar horizontal offset style option
* ADD: compat with Elementor Lazy Load Background Images feature
* FIX: Auto-index with checkboxes
* FIX: JSF loadmore compatibility for the query loop provider has added
* FIX: Archive Products added Automatically align buttons option when filtering
* FIX: ePro Products Source -> Current Query
* FIX: prevent php notice on calendar ajax action
* FIX: Range filter input type

Jet Appointments Booking 2.0.6
## 2.0.6
* UPD: Better security check on save appointments settings, setup and meta;
* FIX: Working days schedule processing;
* FIX: PHP errors in some cases;
* FIX: Prevent from booking 2 services slots for the same provider on same time when multi booking is enbaled;
* FIX: Display multiple appointments on the same day in JetEngine calendar;
* FIX: Additional server-side check on appointment slot availability before creating new appointmet.

JetWooBuilder For Elementor 2.1.10
## [2.1.10](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.1.10.zip)
* Fixed: JetEngine Query Builder empty post type issue;
* Fixed: JetEngine Query Builder functionality in widgets when JetEngine missing;
* Fixed: Widget sale badge visibility with Astra theme;
* Fixed: Single Image widget view in quick view popup;
* Fixed: Add to Cart AJAX RTL issue;

JetEngine 3.3.4
## 3.3.4
* FIX: Prevent error if Elementor is not installed;
* FIX: Query result count for Dynamic Visibility in gutenberg does not work;
* FIX: Prevent deprecated notic on PHP 8+;
* FIX: Sorting filters not working with CCT Dynamic Table/CCT listing custom query;
* FIX: Filters with Maps listing and CCT Query;
* FIX: PHP error when using a Query Results Macro in Blocks editor;
* FIX: Error when use Location&Distance in some cases;
* FIX: Brick Builder: Query loop conflict;
* FIX: Related items table UI;
* FIX: Bricks: setting background color dynamically from the colorpicker meta field does not work;
* FIX: Advanced date field is not displayed properly on large number of iterations;
* FIX: Can't update CCT posts meta field via REST API if is multiple is enabled.

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JetElements For Elementor 2.6.15
## [2.6.15](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-elements/archive/2.6.15.zip) - 16.01.2024
* Added: [Crocoblock/suggestions#7238](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/7238)
* Added: `Lazy Load Images` option in the Advanced Carousel widget
* Fixed: `Slides to Scroll` option with widescreen breakpoints in the Image Comparison widget
* Fixed: float value in the Circle Progress widget
* Fixed: plane shadow in the Button widget
* Fixed: minor issues

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JetSmartFilters 3.3.1
## 3.3.1
* ADD: datepicker calendar horizontal offset style option
* ADD: compat with Elementor Lazy Load Background Images feature
* FIX: Auto-index with checkboxes
* FIX: JSF loadmore compatibility for the query loop provider has added
* FIX: Archive Products added Automatically align buttons option when filtering
* FIX: ePro Products Source -> Current Query
* FIX: prevent php notice on calendar ajax action
* FIX: Range filter input type

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Nice one mate this really helps
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Does the full series of Crocoblock Jet plugins have the latest updates for 2024?

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