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General Rules for Forum (n)Etiquette


aka Truman
Staff member
NullCave Donater
The amount of nonsensical, irrelvant and bs posts and comments is getting a hit overwhelming. You have all been pampered by not having a moderator, now things are about to change.

Old Rules (that were never enforced)

If you share outside the forum, you are banned. Nullcave scripts appear on other forums faster than the speed of light. I've found nullcave scripts so far down the rabbit hole that even midgets and prostitutes don't go there. Stop ripping our files. I moderate (or own) several bh and null forums, none of you are unknown to me. You might think you are clever, but admins see IP's & Cookies, lets not be stupid, eh? How does the song go, stick & stones will break my bones, but my IP will always betray me?...Something like that.

We have a messaging system, use it. No more whatapps, telegram, call me, posts. You have something to share, share it here as a ressource, for Everyone to use. . What happens at nullcave, stays at nullcave

Absolutely no selling scripts. You cannot overtly or covertly make posts that lead to paid nulled or stolen scripts. It is also unwise to 'Showcase your Website' here, if you are using nulled scripts from Nullcave or selling HYIP, Casino Games, Codemill Code. A forum where everything is for sale is not a null forum, its an ecommerce website.

We provide the 'showcase' and 'marketplace' for good Faith Reciprocal SEO, don't abuse the privelege, it is Not an Advertising Platform.

Codemills are a reality, the are the digital equivalent of a sweatshop. They pump out shiite code like popcorn, filled with bad practises, backdoors, exploits and malware. Several regions are well known for their codemills. Codemills produce whitelabelled or rebranded versions of ofher peoples codes, with added mefarious intent, such as stealing and rebranding codecanyon publishers & Codster Creators. This is NOT new, they have existed since the dawn of machine code. If we suspect you are sharing or requesting codemill code, we will remove it, without notice.

Posting in wrong forum : -1 point
Malformed Title/Prefux : -1 point
Irrelevant/unhelpful posts : -1 point
Requests with No Supporting Data : -2 points
Posting Ressources as Topics: -2 points
Asking/Sharing Passwords: -3 points
Duplicate/Repeat posts: -1 point
Sharing Nulled rips from other forums: -2 points
Sharing Nullcave Nullz on other forums: -3 points
Disorderly Conduct: -2 points

Bans & Suspensions
Selling Scripts: Insta-Ban
Insulting Members : Suspension 3 days
Insulting Staff: Insta-ban
KeySharing: Insta-Ban (not a crackware site)
Posting Spam/Scam : Insta-Ban
Luring members outside nullcave : Insta-Ban

^this list will grow.

Think about where you are about to post, then rethink what you are about to post. Search there forum before asking, read threads before requesting.

This Community Supplies a gigantic amount of nulled and not nulled ressources for testing, evaluation and learning. There is no tech support, if you have a problem, help yourself by gathdring logs, searching google or stackoverflow for answers, learn a little bit more about code. If all else fails we will help, somewhat

... Nobody has six days to waste, script testing for someone else. We give quick and un-embelished answers that may or may not work. Anything more and you need tech support. So buy the script and get the help from the developper.

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Reactions: RomRazor, uuuu and morall17
Read and understood . Newbie here . Thanks for having me in .
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