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Frezka - All-in-one Salon & Spa Business Solution in Flutter + Laravel

Frezka - All-in-one Salon & Spa Business Solution in Flutter + Laravel 3.2.2


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iranthavan submitted a new resource:

Frezka All-in-one Salon & Spa Business Solution in Flutter + Laravel v1.0 - Not Nulled - Saloon & Spa Management system booking etc

View attachment 17697

Frezka is a comprehensive and innovative self-hosted solution designed specifically for salon and wellness service businesses. With its powerful features and user-friendly interface, Frezka streamlines the entire appointment management process, empowers business owners to efficiently manage their staff, and enhances the overall client experience.

One of the key functionalities of Frezka is its advanced appointment booking system. By leveraging this...

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raz0r updated Frezka - All-in-one Salon & Spa Business Solution in Flutter + Laravel with a new update entry:

Frezka Flutter + Laravel 3.1.0

[v3.1.0] - 12 June 2024​


  • New - Added Spanish language support to the Flutter app
  • New - Introduced an "Orders" tab in the bottom navigation bar for easier access
  • Update - Updated libraries to improve performance and stability
  • Update - Shop is now accessible without requiring login
  • Fix - Displayed relevant labels
Admin Panel update not required.

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Latest Release 21 October 2024 – v3.2.0

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Has anyone managed to install it and make it work perfectly?

When assigning an employee to a branch, the employee disappears from the administrative panel, so I looked in the database and in the users table users and employees are mixed, and in the employees table it is always empty, even when I add a new employee, it appears in the administrative panel and also in the db users table, but when assigning him as a manager he disappears from my panel, and is only in the db users when assigning an employee to a branch, the employee disappears from the administrative panel, so I went to look in the database and in the users table there is a mix of users and employees, and the employees table is always empty, even when I add a new employee, it appears in the administrative panel and also in the db users table, but when I assign it as a manager it disappears from my panel, and is only in the users bd
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[v3.3.3] - 1st Jan 2025​

Hello Sir i am difficulty while installing in XamApp local server please guild me how to install proper way
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hello, please update to new version

[v3.3.3] - 1st Jan 2025​

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