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Facebook Viral App v2.8.1


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Have you ever dreamed of having a viral app that is fully integrated into Facebook? With the Facebook Viral App, you can allow users to connect to their Facebook account before they can access content (video, article, download link, etc.). But this is only one part of this application, below the cut is a list of functions focused on Facebook marketing...Characteristics of Facebook Viral App- Facebook Connect to unblock the page- Option to force users to share a message on Facebook before unblocking the page- Ability to redirect to a custom page after connecting- Customize the link and image posted with the shared message- Receive and store your visitors' emails in your database- Ability to send emails to your users- Automatically send a specific email to your users when they first connect- Gmail email support (send email using Gmail account)- Preview of any user data stored in the database (email address, name, connection date, etc.)- Ability to export your users' data to a CSV file- Ability to remove users from the backend interface.- Ability to send private Facebook messages to your users- Set up content reserved for connected users.- Integration with Mailchimp to get new subscribers when users first connect.- Graphic reports in the admin panel to track visitors, visits, posts on Facebook- Track visitors coming from Facebook with general messages- Based on the Bootstrap framework (responsive design)- No need for any permission from Facebook..get..
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