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Good afternoon everyone!

My team has been developing websites for 10 years.
in the team we have
-front end developer
-backend developer
-project manager
-client liaison manager

We take the development of your site from scratch (mock-up) and give you "turnkey" already installed and ready to go

The advantage of working with us is that you do not need to know all the intricacies of site development, because you will be in touch with the project manager and will communicate with you in "human language".

All this at prices below market.

Landings - 200$ (without admin panel)
Landings - 500$ (with admin panel)
multipages - from 500$
custom web applications - on request

with the use of wordpress templates - up to 300$
custom wordpress - from 500 $

some of our works

and many others ...

let's talk about your future website , create an online business for you or turn your business into a digital marketplace.

Telegram to contact https://t.me/sapcoinn
saintharbor 's signature
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