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[CSS Pro] Visual CSS editor (chrome extention)

NULLED [CSS Pro] Visual CSS editor (chrome extention) 3.7.1


1. Open the "Addons" section , -> open "addons manager"
2. trun on the "programmers mode" bellow the menu on the left for LTR Languages and on the right for RTL languages .
3. click on "upload non packaged addons" , appeared after turing on the programmers mode .
4. browse for the packaged unziped . the "unziped" package folder .
5. Finished .
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Reactions: envy and Green7

1. Open the "Addons" section , -> open "addons manager"
2. trun on the "programmers mode" bellow the menu on the left for LTR Languages and on the right for RTL languages .
3. click on "upload non packaged addons" , appeared after turing on the programmers mode .
4. browse for the packaged unziped . the "unziped" package folder .
5. Finished .
Thanks for support! I will pin this information in the topic.
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Replace this script, don't need to input license.
But (currently) the extension bugged when re-open the CSS Editor, we need to reload the page to use it again, or use "Pause Inspect" button instead of closing the editor. Close it only when you finish with the editor.


  • background.zip
    3.7 KB · Views: 14
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Reactions: Green7
Replace this script, don't need to input license.
But (currently) the extension bugged when re-open the CSS Editor, we need to reload the page to use it again, or use "Pause Inspect" button instead of closing the editor. Close it only when you finish with the editor.
Thank you!
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1. Open the "Addons" section , -> open "addons manager"
2. trun on the "programmers mode" bellow the menu on the left for LTR Languages and on the right for RTL languages .
3. click on "upload non packaged addons" , appeared after turing on the programmers mode .
4. browse for the packaged unziped . the "unziped" package folder .
5. Finished .

hi. can you send me screenshoot where i can find Open the "Addons" section , -> open "addons manager", i cant see it with my chrome.
Tawfiq 's signature
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Anyone interested in ?

🔥div🔮magic pro extension better than Hoverify worth $345 (🔑Not cracked, or nulled)​

No Crack, No patch. I'll share my purchased access only with 5 people. It's like Group by with extra hidden benefits.
Use and promote this osm time saver code grabber addon.
See features and prices.

$25 for 6 months
= 1 device
$35 for 1 year = 1 device with 3 more surprising addons
$45 for lifetime access = 3+ devices with 3 more surprising addons
(will not charge for these 3 extensions coz i dont charge for nulled or cracked software's)

👉DM for more information and payment methods.

thank you, i did it, but the problem was with my chrome , thanks alot
menu > Extensions > activate "Developer Mode" > Load Unpacked
Thank you!
Not nulled asking for license

1. Open the "Addons" section , -> open "addons manager"
2. trun on the "programmers mode" bellow the menu on the left for LTR Languages and on the right for RTL languages .
3. click on "upload non packaged addons" , appeared after turing on the programmers mode .
4. browse for the packaged unziped . the "unziped" package folder .
5. Finished .
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