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Says me: An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later. 3 different email hostings - same result. @reishi - please help with this article. Thank you.
Says me: An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later. 3 different email hostings - same result. @reishi - please help with this article. Thank you.
@seonmarco Hi, use the same email address and password when you install the script eg. if the installation is [email protected] and pass 1234 the smtp configuration in smtp on dash board is with the same email [email protected] and pass 1234 and in your server with this configuration works well.
@seonmarco Hi, use the same email address and password when you install the script eg. if the installation is [email protected] and pass 1234 the smtp configuration in smtp on dash board is with the same email [email protected] and pass 1234 and in your server with this configuration works well.