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Certificate Making Project


I have a requirement to create a web application for users to design their certificates through the templates and they can single or bulk-generate the certificates for their related purposes, it will be a paid service for the users, and the payment will be different for a single and bulk certificate generation, the users first need to register their organization/institute in the portal.

So, is there any readymade script available for the above requirement, or can anybody here do this project, and what will be the cost then?
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I have a requirement to create a web application for users to design their certificates through the templates and they can single or bulk-generate the certificates for their related purposes, it will be a paid service for the users, and the payment will be different for a single and bulk certificate generation, the users first need to register their organization/institute in the portal.

So, is there any readymade script available for the above requirement, or can anybody here do this project, and what will be the cost then?

There is no readymade script for this. This is a custom workflow with special use case.
So you need to create it from scratch.

The costs highly depends on all needed functionalities and could only be calculated, if there is a detailed project concept, which describes all functionalities in detail. To calculate it correctly the developer needs to know, how exactly it should work and look.

I regulary do such projects, and most of the time they start from $ 10k+
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I have a requirement to create a web application for users to design their certificates through the templates and they can single or bulk-generate the certificates for their related purposes, it will be a paid service for the users, and the payment will be different for a single and bulk certificate generation, the users first need to register their organization/institute in the portal.

So, is there any readymade script available for the above requirement, or can anybody here do this project, and what will be the cost then?
we can create template website which will generate certificate in bulk with same founts and same positions we made one for client for generating identity cards
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The backend functionality for this won't be too diffcult. You can probably port a CodeCanyon script that does something similar. I remember a CC script that was for making custom cheques and gift.cards. Repurposing something like that might save you some time and $$.

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The backend functionality for this won't be too diffcult. You can probably port a CodeCanyon script that does something similar. I remember a CC script that was for making custom cheques and gift.cards. Repurposing something like that might save you some time and $$.

* This thread will be relocated to the General Discussion Section. Please read forum and poating rules

Thanks for your suggestion, what was that script, is that script available here on nullcave
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Thanks for your suggestion, what was that script, is that script available here on nullcave
I have no idea, search for relevant keywords and you'll Find something, there also a script for custom birthday cards, that would probably do the trick and be easy to portaliz.
I guess you could try to get a nulled free copy, but Codecanyon is very cheap. If you are going ro profif from it, you should buy it. It is open source but not GPL.
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So I am sorry i didn't follow my own advice
Here is a code canyon search with many results.
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