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Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme

NULLED Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme 1.8.2 NULLED


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme - Job Board WordPress Theme (Themeforest Item ID: 20167356)

View attachment 927

Cariera NULLED is a professional oriented WordPress Theme based on WP Job Manager. It is a complete solution for both Employers and Candidates offering different job layouts, advanced stats, private messaging system, premium dashboard for each user role and advanced searching options. By buying & fully importing the theme you will get the exact same website as the live demo within minutes!

Cariera comes with 12...

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raz0r updated Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Cariera v1.6.4 NULLED - Job Board WordPress Theme

Ver. 1.6.4 – 06.12.2022

- Confirmation alert when deleting a company listing
- WPML Compatibility
- Remove WPJM setup admin notice after demo import
- Job Alert Login template (WPJM Alerts 1.5.6+)
- Password arg to "Approve new registered User"

- "Company's job listings" will only show "published" status listings
- Job submission term checklist style (job tags checkboxes)
- Search radius comes...

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raz0r updated Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Cariera v1.7.1 NULLED - Job Board WordPress Theme

Ver. 1.7.1 – 01.11.2023

- Minimun password length option
- Seperated CSS files for WC cart
- Seperated CSS files for WC checkout
- Seperated CSS files for WC single product
- Separated CSS file for listing submissions
- Print single job listing page feature
- Print single resume page feature
- Print single company feature
- Support link in Cariera Settings
- Handling for deprecated functions...

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raz0r updated Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme 1.7.5 NULLED

Ver. 1.7.5 – 24.02.2024

- WPJM 2.2.2 support
- Support for WPJM Alerts 3.0.0
- Guest job alerts via WPJM Alerts
- Add alert popup on job listing search
- New design for "My Alerts"
- "featured_first" support for job listings
- New search radius design and handling
- Company search support for listing search box
- Resume search support for listing search box
- Listing search elementor element...

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raz0r 's signature
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raz0r updated Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme 1.7.6 NULLED

Ver. 1.7.6 – 26.03.2024

- *New installation video tutorial to Cariera -> Welcome
- Company grid 3 template
- Company grid 3 to elementor company board element
- Featured jobs under job overview (with option to enable/disable)
- Featured resumes under resume overview
- Featured companies under resume overview
- Job listing category to job overview
- Resume listing category to resume overview
- Single...

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raz0r updated Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Cariera 1.7.8 NULLED

Ver. 1.7.8 – 24.04.2024

- Company logos to the "WP Dashboard -> Job Manager" listing list
- Job submission flow into a separate template file
- Resume submission flow into a separate template file
- Company submission flow into a separate template file

- Font icons not loading correctly
- Notice in "Job Alerts" page overflowing horizontally on responsive mode

- Bundled plugins

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Can you please update to the latest version
Ver. – 09.05.2024

as the font icons are not loading, so got new update fixing the issue.
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raz0r updated Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Cariera Theme 1.7.9 NULLED

Ver. 1.7.9 – 14.05.2024

- *** WPJM 2.3.0 support: Job Statistics
- *** New Job Dashboard design
- *** WPJM 2.3.0 support: Job dashboard keyword search
- *** WPJM 2.3.0 support: reCaptcha v3
- * Custom menu positions for Employer/Candidate extra user menu
- Featured sign on single job listing if listing is featured
- Featured sign on single company listing if listing is featured
- Featured sign on single resume...

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raz0r updated Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Cariera Theme 1.8.0 NULLED

Ver. 1.8.0 – 10.06.2024

- Dashboard: expiring soon listings card
- Dashboard: expiring promotions
- Dashboard: new applications (for employers)
- Dashboard: Cards counter are animating now
- *** Line Awesome as the main icon library
- * Line Awesome icons to Elementor icon picker
- * Icon library settings in "Cariera -> Settings -> General -> Icon Library"
- "Cariera -> Debug log" in the backend if WP_DEBUG is enabled
- Job Stats: Contact...

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raz0r 's signature
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raz0r updated Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Cariera WordPress Theme 1.8.2 NULLED

Ver. 1.8.2 – 02.10.2024

- * Candidate Portfolio
- Setting to enable/disable Candidate Portfolio
- * Show companies based on their active job listings (0 or more than 0)
- * Company "active jobs" filter option for company elementor elements
- * Expand/collaps dashboard navigation on screens bigger 992px
- * Support for Cariera Company Events plugin
- Cariera Company Events: Dashboard menu item support
- Cariera...

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And we need the plugin cariera-plugin.
If anyone wishes, i can provide the 1.7.2 version full
Plugin : https://github.com/dexit/saiph-app/tree/main/src/wp-content/plugins/cariera-plugin
Theme: https://github.com/dexit/saiph-app/tree/main/src/wp-content/themes/cariera
Child: https://github.com/dexit/saiph-app/tree/main/src/wp-content/themes/cariera-child
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And we need the plugin cariera-plugin.
If anyone wishes, i can provide the 1.7.2 version full
Plugin : https://github.com/dexit/saiph-app/tree/main/src/wp-content/plugins/cariera-plugin
Theme: https://github.com/dexit/saiph-app/tree/main/src/wp-content/themes/cariera
Child: https://github.com/dexit/saiph-app/tree/main/src/wp-content/themes/cariera-child
Also, the previous ways to null were :
In Version 1.6.5 is an error in file "cariera\inc\onboarding\CarieraBase.php" on line 564.
Please remove:
return $obj->_CheckWPPlugin($purchase_key, $error, $responseObj);` => `return true;
//return $obj->_CheckWPPlugin($purchase_key, $error, $responseObj);
return true;

But Later was this :
cariera/inc/onboarding/CarieraBase.php Line 561-565
public static function CheckWPPlugin($purchase_key, $email,&$error = "", &$responseObj = null,$plugin_base_file="") {

return true; //replace `return $obj->_CheckWPPlugin($purchase_key, $error, $responseObj);`
cariera/inc/onboarding/license.php Line 57-66
if ( CarieraBase::CheckWPPlugin( $licenseKey, $licenseEmail, $this->licenseMessage, $this->responseObj, $templateDir . '/style.css' ) ) {
$this->status = true;
$this->responseObj = new stdClass();
$this->responseObj->license_key = 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX';

add_action( 'cariera_onboarding_license', [ $this, 'Activated' ] );
add_action( 'admin_post_Cariera_el_deactivate_license', [ $this, 'action_deactivate_license' ] );
//add_action( 'cariera_onboarding_license_sidebar', [ $this, 'sidebar_support_expired' ] );
 //add_action( 'admin_notices', [ $this, 'support_expired_notice' ] );

// If license is not active.

Hope it helps to someone
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