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Well, what can I say? When I entered your open project, I found something completely different.Currently, it's just some kind of stylistically stupid AI Image Generator.What can I say about your project?Nothing, except that it wasn't a project at all, just some clown installed a ready-made engine and now desperately asks for a check, but has already managed to put a completely different engine there...What kind of bullshit is that? Who does that?
Well, what can I say? When I entered your open project, I found something completely different.Currently, it's just some kind of stylistically stupid AI Image Generator.What can I say about your project?Nothing, except that it wasn't a project at all, just some clown installed a ready-made engine and now desperately asks for a check, but has already managed to put a completely different engine there...What kind of bullshit is that? Who does that?