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All Premium Themes & Addons For MagicAI v7.4, v7.5, v7.6


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Lifetime updates and future addons will be provided

Compatible with latest versions

$69 Only for first 5 buyers (plus lifetime free updates)

Purchase link: https://dametstore.com.ng/files/file/60-all-premium-themes-addons-for-magicai/

Addons:(All Included)
  1. ✅ Ai Social Media(Paid-addon)
  2. ✅ Menu Manager(Paid-addon)
  3. ✅ SEO Tool(Paid-addon)
  4. ✅ Ai Product Photography(Paid-addon)
  5. ✅ Cloudflare R2(Paid-addon)
  6. ✅ Cryptomus Payment Gateway(Paid-addon)
  7. ✅ WordPress Integration(Paid-addon)
  8. ✅ Ai Avatar (Paid-addon)
  9. ✅ Focus Mode (Paid-addon)
  10. ✅ External Chatbot (Paid-addon)
  11. ✅ AI Persona (Paid-addon)
  12. ✅ AI Text to Video (Paid-addon)
  13. ✅ Onboarding Pro (Paid-addon)
  14. ✅ Realtime Voice Chat (Paid-addon)
  15. ✅ Checkout Registration (Paid-addon)
  16. ✅ Affiliate - for Aixygen
  17. ✅ Perplexity
  18. ✅Chat Share
  19. ✅Introductions
  20. ✅Flux AI
  21. ✅Hubspot
  22. ✅Mailchimp Integration
  23. ✅AI Voice Isolator
  24. ✅Maintenance
  25. ✅Newsletter
  26. ✅AI Plagiarism and Content Detector
  27. ✅AI Webchat
  28. ✅Chatbot Setting & Training
  29. ✅Azure TTS
  30. ✅AI Photo studio
Themes:(All Included)

  1. ✅ Creative Theme (Paid-Theme)
  2. ✅ Bolt Theme (Paid-Theme)
  3. ✅ Dark Theme (Paid-Theme)
  4. ✅ Sleek Theme (Paid-Theme)
  5. ✅ Classic Theme (Paid-Theme)
  6. ✅ Modern Theme (Paid-Theme)
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All the 'Paid' addons will be shared soon NULLED on Nullcave for free of cost :)
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