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YITH Product Shipping for WooCommerce Premium

YITH Product Shipping for WooCommerce Premium 1.19.0 NULLED

YITH Product Shipping for WooCommerce Premium.jpg

Handle shipping fees easily for every single product in less than 3 minutes.​

Selling products all over the world implies having to deal with different shipping fees for each country, state or specific areas by postal code.

Luckily, by using the native WooCommerce options, we can easily fix this issue, but it won’t be so easy in case the shipping fees need to be edited for every single product. WooCommerce doesn’t allow that.

What if you need to sell products that require different shipping fees?

Imagine selling a product that might require higher or lower shipping fees according to where in the world it needs to be shipped.

WooCommerce would not be able to help in any way, not without a substantial amount of editing in the code, which would be costly.

Many of you asked for it and, as we do, we listened and we created YITH Product Shipping for WooCommerce, a WooCommerce plugin which easily completes shipping management and offers the chance to set different shipping rates for every single product, region, state or city, including product variations!

To further guarantee your transparency during the purchase process, we offer a simple summary in the Cart page too, so that your customers will have no doubts or fears concerning the shipping fees.
  • Version 1.19.0 NULLED
  • Downloads 66
  • Views 604
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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