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Xoxo - Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme

Xoxo - Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme 2.1.2 NULLED

Version 2.1.2 – February 16, 2025

1. Added Tiktok to Frenify Followers widget
2. Fixed social icons issues
Version 2.1.0 – July 29, 2024

1. Added a feature to select any sidebar for any page.
2. Added xoxo-billion.zip plugin to latest files for big websites
Version 1.1.3 – November 17, 2023

1. Fixed Contact Page RTL issue
2. Fixed Redux Vendor Support issue
Version 1.0.7 – February 07, 2023
1. RTL Integrated
2. Fixed post view issue related v1.0.6 . NOW all old counts added to new counts.
3. Now sticky sidebar works properly.
4. Woocommerce and mailchimp were added to one click demo importer required plugins
5. We have reduced the load on the theme and this will help the site load faster
6. Fixed author social icons issue
7. Added a feature to change font size of title in blog list for laptop into Theme Options -> Blog -> Title Font Size (desktop)
8. Added a feature to change font size of title in blog list for mobile devices into Theme Options -> Blog -> Title Font Size (mobile)
9. Added Image animation switcher for main slider
10. Added a feature to add custom title for extra posts list (trending list) without translation
11. Fixed woocommerce empty cart issue
12. Fixed woocommerce dashboard spacing issue
13. Fixed responsive issues
14. Fixed embed files issue
15. Fixed submenu hover issue
16. Fixed small issues
17. Improved some details design