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WPLoyalty - WooCommerce Loyalty Points, Rewards and Referral

WPLoyalty - WooCommerce Loyalty Points, Rewards and Referral 1.3.1 NULLED

= 1.3.1 =
- Fix: blank page in customer, level and add-on page.
- Fix: Free product WPML support
= 1.3.0 =
- Added: Recommendation tab.
- Added: Buy Pro tab: Explain about loyalty feature.
- Improved: Launcher add-on is now available as a separate add-on.
- Improved: Add-on page design.
- Improved: numeric field validation
= 1.2.14 =
- Improved: Optimizing Launcher Widget Display for a Slow Site
- Improved: Template override for loyalty page
- Fix: Prevent Duplicate Earnings in Social Shares for Slow Sites
- Fix: Usage Limit condition
- Fix: Do it wrong warning message in WooCommerce 9.4
- Fix: Warning message in cart block
= 1.2.13 =
- Fix: Birthday class not found in free plugin.
Changelog didn't updated

Introducing High-Performance Order Storage Compatibility in WPLoyalty 1.2.3​

Get ready for a game-changing update that will supercharge your eCommerce operations and loyalty management. We’re thrilled to introduce our latest advancements: High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) and its seamless compatibility with our powerful WPLoyalty plugin.

High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)​

Experience fast order management like never before. HPOS optimizes the storage and retrieval of order data, ensuring unparalleled speed, efficiency, and reliability. Say goodbye to waiting times and hello to seamless order processing.

What’s so special about this update?​

While many plugins fall short in providing compatibility with High-Performance Order Storage, we are happy to announce this update. By combining the power of HPOS with WPLoyalty, we are revolutionizing the way your businesses handle order storage and loyalty management.
With WPLoyalty’s advanced compatibility, you can enjoy the full benefits of HPOS, which guarantees fast order processing. No more delays – your order management will reach new heights of efficiency and speed.
Other Notable Improvements:
  • Icon colors and text colors in the Customer Reward page
  • Support for Dark Theme in Customer Rewards page
  • Fix for the loading issue in customer import / export option