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WP Webhooks Pro - The #1 WordPress Automator plugin

WP Webhooks Pro - The #1 WordPress Automator plugin 6.1.7 NULLED

= 6.1.7: August 19, 2024 =
**Fixed issues:**

* PHP 8.2 compatibility issues fixes

**Fixed issues:**

* Scheduled flow actions might not have fired correctly with a wrong schedule time seen inside of the Flow logs
* The Text count characters action within the "WP Webhooks Formatter" integration returned 0 if a number was given
= 6.1.5: July 22, 2023 =

**New integrations:**

* Lemon Squeezy
* Profile Builder by Cozmoslabs

**New triggers:**

* Lemon Squeezy: Order created
* Lemon Squeezy: Subscription cancelled
* Lemon Squeezy: Subscription created
* Lemon Squeezy: Subscription expired
* Lemon Squeezy: Subscription paused
* Lemon Squeezy: Subscription payment failed
* Lemon Squeezy: Subscription payment successful
* Lemon Squeezy: Subscription resumed
* Lemon Squeezy: Subscription unpaused
* Lemon Squeezy: Subscription updated
* Lemon Squeezy: Webhook request received
* Paid Memberships Pro: Membership level changed
* Profile Builder by Cozmoslabs: User registered
* Profile Builder by Cozmoslabs: User activated
* Profile Builder by Cozmoslabs: User approved
* Profile Builder by Cozmoslabs: User unapproved
* Profile Builder by Cozmoslabs: User logged in
* Profile Builder by Cozmoslabs: Profile edited
* WooCommerce: User password updated


* The update user function now contains the old user meta and old ACF meta (In case ACF is active)
* Added better visuals to flow conditionals within the Flow logs
* Increased the timeout for the Flow testing actions from 30 seconds to 360 seconds
* Flow executions are now handled more efficiently during their execution process
* Updated WP Background Processing library
* The "Create post" and "Update post" actions now support the "future" post status

**Fixed issues:**

* Fix a fatal error when using new EDD versions in combination with $license->get_license_key() (Happened with the license actions)
* Fixed smaller issues within the core
* For Flow execution that take longer to execute than the current instance, the completion wasn't set reliably to successful, even though the folow was executed
* Some Flows that executed multiple times in a very short timeframe might not have been set to complete due to a process lock
* Paused flows have been marked as completed during the next schedule
* When using the wp_meta_fields key within the manage_meta_data argument, meta data that should be stored as a serialized array was stored as a string instead
* The "Resend" feature for Flows might have used a different payload format

**For developers:**

* Introduces new action "wpwhpro/async/process/completed/partial/{action}" for partial flow execution
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Reactions: MarkDragon
= 6.1.1: January 02, 2023 =

**New Features:**

* The "Shortcode called" action of the "WordPress" integration now supports query parameters as a tag, as well as default settings

**New integrations:**

* Advanced Coupons
* Event Tickets
* OpenAI
* WooCommerce ShipStation
* wpForo
* Yoast SEO

**New triggers:**

* Advanced Coupons: User received credit
* Advanced Coupons: User spent credit balance
* Event Tickets: Attendee registered event
* GiveWP: Donation created
* WooCommerce ShipStation: Order shipped
* wpForo: Topic created
* wpForo: Reply created

**New actions:**

* Advanced Coupons: Add user credit
* Advanced Coupons: Remove user credit
* Event Tickets: RSVP event
* OpenAI: Create completion
* OpenAI: Create edit
* OpenAI: Create image
* wpForo: Add user to group
* wpForo: Remove user from group
* wpForo: Set user reputation
* Yoast SEO: Update post SEO data
* Yoast SEO: Update Twitter SEO data
* Yoast SEO: Update Facebook SEO data


* Optimized the "Delete user" action within the "WordPress" integration. It supports deletions for single network sites.
* Optimized the wizard layout in regards to the integrations tab
* Optimized "Get taxonomy terms" action within the "WordPress" integration
* Optimized loading of the dependency classes for better performance
* Show the post ID along with the title for ajax post select queries

**Fixed issues:**

* The new auth_data filter threw an undefined variable notice on some auth templates
* Fix a possible fatal error in migration from old webhook entries created in the public version

**For developers:**

* New fields query filter for network_sites
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Reactions: Qaploman
= 6.0: September 14, 2022 =
**New Features:**

* Triggers and Actions for Webhooks and Flows can now be scheduled to fire after a certain amount of time (New setting for action/triggers)
* Flows can now be duplicated
* Fully reworked integration management for on-demand integrations
* Extensive performance adjustments for high-performing websites
* Added the post meta (and ACF meta if applicable) data before the update to the "Post updated" trigger
* Flows, Logs, Authentication, and Data Mapping is now subsite-based (For multisite networks)
* New setting to inherit/sync Flows, Authentication & Data Mapping & Logs from the main table (Advanced)
* Create user and update user triggers now supports all default settings like if a user is logged in, if the trigger was fired from wihtin the admin area, etc.
* Alow the "Date change format" action of the "WP Webhooks Formatter" integration to return a timestamp
* The manage_acf_data argument now allows a new data key called ignore_empty which ignores a field if an empty value is presented
* The FluentCRM triggers and actions now support custom fields

**New integrations:**

* Autonami
* Autoptimize
* Breeze
* Cache Enabler
* Comet Cache
* Gravity PDF
* Hummingbird
* LiteSpeed Cache
* ProjectHuddle
* Studiocart
* Ultimate Member
* W3 Total Cache
* WP Fastest Cache
* WP-Optimize
* WP Rocket
* WP Super Cache

**New triggers:**

* Autonami: Contact added to list
* Autonami: Contact removed from list
* Autonami: Contact tag removed
* Autonami: Contact tags added
* Autoptimize: Full cache cleared
* Breeze: All cache cleared
* Breeze: Varnish cache cleared
* Cache Enabler: Full cache cleared
* Cache Enabler: Page cache cleared
* Cache Enabler: Site cache cleared
* Formidable: Stripe Payment Completed
* Hummingbird: Page cache cleared
* LiteSpeed Cache: Full cache cleared
* LiteSpeed Cache: CSS/JS cache cleared
* LiteSpeed Cache: Localized cache cleared
* LiteSpeed Cache: Object cache cleared
* ProjectHuddle: Website comment created
* ProjectHuddle: Mockup comment created
* ProjectHuddle: Website comment deleted
* ProjectHuddle: Mockup comment deleted
* ProjectHuddle: Project approved
* ProjectHuddle: Item approved
* Studiocart: Order completed
* Studiocart: Order refunded
* Studiocart: Subscriptions cancelled
* Ultimate Member: Account approved
* Ultimate Member: Account information updated
* Ultimate Member: Account marked inactive
* Ultimate Member: Profile cover photo changed
* Ultimate Member: Profile description updated
* Ultimate Member: Profile photo changed
* Ultimate Member: Profile photo removed
* W3 Total Cache: Full cache cleared
* W3 Total Cache: CDN cache cleared
* W3 Total Cache: Database cache cleared
* W3 Total Cache: Object cache cleared
* WP-Optimize: Page cache cleared
* WP Fastest Cache: Cache cleared
* WP Rocket: Cache cleared
* WP Super Cache: Cache cleared
* WordPress: User logged out
* WordPress: Taxonomy term created
* WordPress: Taxonomy term updated
* WordPress: Taxonomy term deleted
* WP Rocket: Cache cleared

**New actions:**

* Autonami: Add new contact
* Autonami: Assign list to contact
* Autonami: Assign list to user
* Autonami: Assign tag to contact
* Autonami: Assign tag to user
* Autonami: Get lists
* Autonami: Get tags
* Autonami: Remove contact from list
* Autonami: Remove user tag
* Hummingbird: Clear full cache
* Hummingbird: Clear page cache
* Autoptimize: Clear cache
* Breeze: Clear all cache
* Breeze: Clear local cache
* Breeze: Clear Varnish cache
* Cache Enabler: Clear cache
* Comet Cache: Clear cache
* Gravity PDF: Get PDF URL
* LiteSpeed Cache: Purge full cache
* LiteSpeed Cache: Purge cached post type
* LiteSpeed Cache: Purge cached posts
* LiteSpeed Cache: Purge cached URL
* LiteSpeed Cache: Purge cached widget
* LiteSpeed Cache: Purge object cache
* ProjectHuddle: Get PDF URL
* ProjectHuddle: Get mockup
* ProjectHuddle: Get website
* W3 Total Cache: Flush full cache
* W3 Total Cache: Flush cached URL
* W3 Total Cache: Flush post cache
* WP-Optimize: Clear page cache
* WP Fastest Cache: Clear cache
* WP Fastest Cache: Clear comment cache
* WP Fastest Cache: Clear post cache
* WP Fastest Cache: Clear all sites cache
* WordPress: Fire do_action hook
* WordPress: Call PHP function
* WordPress: Call apply_filters hook
* WP Rocket: Clear cache
* WP Rocket: Clear post cache
* WP Rocket: Clear URL cache
* WP Rocket: Clear user cache
* WP Super Cache: Clear full cache
* WP Webhooks Formatter: Text to MD5 hash

**Little tweaks:**

* We are providing better multisite compatibility
* Optimized performance on the "Send Data" page
* Optimized certain parts of the page layouts
* The "Meta Box" action mb_set_meta_data now supports grouped fields by using a JSON
* Optimized yes/no arguments to be easily selectable within Flows and to be seen with all possible values inside of the direct endpoint
* Automatically show the default value for yes/no dropdowns within Flows
* Display the default value for yes/no values within the action argument details
* Added the "name" key to single line items within the EDD create payment action as it is required within EDD 3.0+
* Aded meta value support for the EDD 3.0+ versions
* Sanitize various webhooks header data to provide header keys lowercase based on HTTP/2 requirements
* Reorganized the menu endpoints
* The wizard now supports the no-conflict mode setting
* The Formidable triggers loaded unused forms
* Optimized the wizard

**Fixed issues:**

* In some occasions, Flows have been triggered multiple times
* In some occasions, Flow actions have been executed multiple times
* The Flows trigger conditionals showed an unnecessary select box
* The number_math_operation action might have caused a PHP notice if a non-numeric value has been given
* Flows, Authentication, Data Mapping, Logs, and Flows Logs have been shared through the whole network which causes issue if different plugins are used
* In some cases, the license may have been set to be expired

**For developers:**

* The {prefix} tag for SQL statements within the plugin now uses the blog related prefix instead of the base prefix (in case a multisite is present)
* Added new helper WPWHPRO()->helpers->maybe_format_string( $string ) to offer a neat way of retrieving a specific value format
* The WPWHPRO()->helpers->get_from_api( $url, $data = '', $args = array() ) now supports the $args new argument
* Added new helper WPWHPRO()->helpers->create_index_php() to create a dynamic index.php file
* Added new helper WPWHPRO()->helpers->get_wp_content_dir() to fetch the WordPress content dir folder with filters
* Added new helper WPWHPRO()->helpers->clean_folder() to fully delete a folder and all of its content
* integration icons now support relative path definitions of the integration folder
* Certain helper PHPDocs definitions had wrong variable definitions
* Add integration slug to hook details
* New handler WPWHPRO()->scheduler to schedule actions
* The function WPWHPRO()->integrations->execute_actions( $return_data, $action_group, $request ) now supports a predefined request
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Reactions: tatar221