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WP Sheet Editor - Post Types (Premium)

WP Sheet Editor - Post Types (Premium) 2.25.16 NULLED

= V 2.25.16 - 2025-01-07 =
* CHANGE - WPML - Improve the UI
* CHANGE - WC Products - Import - Show more columns to match existing products
* FIX - WC Products - A column couldn't be renamed
* FIX - FORMULAS - It only removes one taxonomy term when we select multiple to remove
* FIX - WC Products - Small bug fixes
* FIX - CORE - A dropdown used by Gutenberg is not working
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Reactions: zilog357
= V 2.25.15 - 2024-10-26 =
* CHANGE - CORE - Performance improvements
* CHANGE - WC Products - General improvements
* CHANGE - ACF - Improve the relationship saving
* FIX - YOAST - Wrong values in columns of post type when a taxonomy uses the same key as the post type
* FIX - WPML - Wrong language when running scheduled tasks
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Reactions: zilog357
= V 2.25.9 - 2024-01-26 =
* CHANGE - CORE - General UI improvements
* FIX - CORE - Small bug fixes
= V 2.25.1 - 2023-02-03 =
* CHANGE - CORE - Several improvements
* CHANGE - FILTERS - General improvements
* CHANGE - FORMULAS - General improvements
* FIX - CORE - Several bug fixes
= V 2.25.0 - 2022-12-15 =
* NEW - CORE - Allow to change column backgrounds
* CHANGE - CORE - Performance improvements
* FIX - CORE - Small bug fixes
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Reactions: chieh and tatar221
= V 2.24.21 - 2022-11-11 =
* CHANGE - WPML - Improve the integration
* CHANGE - CORE - Improvements to the columns manager
* CHANGE - CORE - Improve the usability of some popups
* FIX - CORE - Small bug fixes
* FIX - IMPORT - it breaks when zero columns are auto mapped
* NEW - CORE - Add global sort option for post types
* CHANGE - WC Products - Improvements for variations
* CHANGE - CORE - General improvements
* CHANGE - CORE - Improve the cell format of taxonomy columns
* CHANGE - CORE - Performance improvements
* CHANGE - CORE - Improve the sorting of rows

Updated files from @veera
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Reactions: tatar221