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Information: Safety & Support
Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use. Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
Enhancement: Add additional exclusions from minify JS (#5097, #5216)
Enhancement: Exclude .cfm extension from CDN rewrite (#5020)
Bugfix: Remove loading attribute from images/iframes when using JS lazyload to prevent conflict on some browsers (#4961)
Bugfix: Prevent deprecated warning on PHP 8.1 (#5205)
Bugfix: Prevent PHP warning when using missing image dimensions for some SVG (#5098)
Bugfix: Prevent showing missing Action Scheduler tables notice incorrectly in some cases (#5021)
Bugfix: Prevent PHP fatal error when Action Scheduler tables could not be created on installation (#5396)
Bugfix: Prevent PHP fatal error when using count() on invalid type with PHP 8 and above (#5407)
3rd party compatibility: Display a conflict notice when Cloudflare server push mode is enabled while Remove Unused CSS or Combine CSS ie enabled (#4710)
3rd party compatibility: Remove old Remove unused CSS server IP from Wordfence allowlist (#5249)